Community Service Organization,
24 Calvert Street,
Annapolis, Md.
The Community Service Organization under the auspices of Asbury
M. E. Church is doing a splendid work among the people of the town.
The large 20-room building is constantly in use by the men, women,
and children of the town. They have the following activities in full
operation: club room for men and boys, a special room for girls. Both
rooms fitted up with games of all kinds. A boy scout organization, girl
scout organization, day nursery, employment bureau, a reading room,
social clubs, medical clinic, and dormitory space. They are also doing
some special work in the line of music, such as community songs on
Sunday afternoons, and choral clubs.
Rev. W. C. Thompson, Chairman, Executive Committee; Mrs. M. S.
Yarborough, Secretary, Executive Committee; Mr. S. D, Spady, Execu-
tive Secretary.
Hon. J. Albert Adams, 73 North West St., President.
Eliza Parker, 104 Washington St.
Dr. G. R. Thomas, 11G South St.
Public School Teachers of Annapolis, Md.
Prof. G. W. B. Overton, 40 Cornhill St.
Lucy Briscoe, 99 East St.
William Butler, Market St.
Mrs. Charles Brown, Charles St.
Lottie Ruddock, Charles St.
Lawretta Powers, 1336 Calhoun St.
Charlotte Brown, Washington St.
Mamie E. Miller, Washington St.
Benjamin Price, 28 Calvert St.