Rev. William H. Weaver. D. D., was
born in Baltimore. He was the son of
William Weaver, and was educated in
the Howard Normal School of Balti-
more and at Lincoln University from
which institution he graduated with
highest honors. His first charge was
at the Madison Street Presbyterian
Church, Baltimore, which he served
for nearly twenty years with eminent
distinction and ability. During his res-
idence here, Dr. Weaver was foremost
in every movement having to do with
the civic, educational, moral and re-
ligious advancement of colored people.
As an orator and a preacher, Dr. Wea-
ver has a fame that is countrywide.
It was these last two attributes that
caused the Presbyterian Church to
make him their unanimous choice for
Field Agent of their Freedman's Soci-
ety, a position which he filled with re-
markable success. Dr. Weaver also
pastored at Atlanta. Georgia, and at
Indianapolis, Indiana, both of which
congregations were blessed abundant-
ly by the labors of this distinguished
minister. For the past two years. Dr.
Weaver has not been engaged in active
ministerial work, but has been giving
much attention to the lecture plat-
form. In August, 1918, he was chosen
the executive secretary of the War-
Camp Community Service which he
has made, through his efficient man-
agement, a tremendous success.
The Rev. Dr. Bragg, rector of St.
James Episcopal Church, Baltimore,
possibly possesses more strong friends
among the influential white people of
this community, than any other col-
ored clergyman. Dr. Bragg has been
in charge of St. James' Church for 27
years, coming to this city from Vir-
ginia. When only 19 years of age he
was appointed a page in the Virginia
Legislature and afterwards made post-
master of the same. Leaving this posi-
tion, and before coming of age, he
founded in Petersburg, Va., the first
colored paper in the black belt of Vir-
ginia, "The Lancet." In the same city,
shortly after attaining his majority, he
was selected for "Jury" duty on the
Corporation Court of the city. Some
time after his ordination, while at his
first charge in the ministry, at Nor-
folk, when only about 24 years of age.
His Excellency, the late Governor
Fitzhugh Lee, of that State, commis-
sioned him as a trustee of the State of
Virginia, of the Hampton Agricultural
ind Industrial Institute, where he
served until his removal to this city.
All during his residence in this city,
Dr. Bragg has been a conspicuous and
an active factor in every good work
for the uplift and improvement of the
race. In 1902. Welberfore University
conferred upon him the honorary de-
gree of Doctor in Divinity.