Special Examiner U. S. Department of Labor.
Mr. Harry E. Arnold occupies a most important position in the-
United States Department of Labor. His duties are of a high char-
acter, requiring an extraordinary amount of ability combined with
discretion and good judgment, Mr. Arnold is the only colored man
holding a position of this kind in this department.
His work as an examiner requires him to travel extensively
throughout the United States. He was selected for this position on
account of special fitness and his efficient record as a special agent
in the U. S. Department of Commerce, which position he formerly
occupied. At one time Mr. Arnold was a resident of Baltimore, but
during recent years has made his home in New York and Washing-
ton. His wife, formerly Miss Daisy N. Coleman, of Washington,
and one of the most popular teachers of that city, is a sister of R.
W. Coleman, the compiler of this directory. His brother, Dr. O.
H. Arnold, is a prominent dentist of Baltimore.
Mr. Arnold is engaged in the investigation of labor conditions in
the different cities as it applies to the colored American. His work
is to ascertain the amount and character of labor which can be
utilized and to awaken him to the full seriousness of the labor
problem at this time. He is emphasizing the fact that the oppor-
tunity for patriotic service has come to the colored laborer, and that
the man who does his part in contributing to the food production
of his country is as patriotic as the man who shoulders the gun.