Arch Social ...............................................
Baltimore Educational Association ..........................
Baltimore Medical Association, Officers of ....................
Biographical Sketches —
Adams, Hon. Albert...............................
. 98
Booker, S. S .....................................
. 83
Bright, Miss Emma E ............................
. 99
Burkett, H. M ...................................
. 94
Butler, Jr., W. I..................................
. 96
Callis, James A. B ...............................
. 99
Cook, Prof. G. W..................................
. 79
Cooper, Miss M. Edyth............................
. 99
Scott-Creditt, Miss Roberta.........................
. 100
Diggs, Rev. James R. L...........................
. 86
Evans, Joseph P .................................
. 96
Frey, Mrs. George E .............................
. 89
Gaines, Rev. A. L ................................
. 94
Hawkins, Mason A................................
. 39
Holmes, Dwight O ...............................
. 97
Hurst, Bishop John................................
. 77
Johnson, D. D., Rev. S. M .........................
. 89
Jones, O. D ......................................
. 98
Kennard, Prof. G. W..............................
. 98
Lyon, Rev. Dr. Ernest.............................
. 84
McDannels, Gough ...............................
. 95
Miller, Prof. Kelly................................
. 78
Mitchell, James A.................................
. 100
Moore, Ph. D., Prof. Lewis B.......................
. 81
Murphy, Daniel H.................................
. 95
Murphy, Miss Frances ...........................
. 97
Murphy, Jr., John H .............................
. 97
Neal, Rev. P. C...................................
. 85
Pickens, Dr. William..............................
Pitts, Alfred ....................................
. 91
Smith, Clarke L..........................\ .........
. 92
Smith, Miss Anne E..............................
. 98
Spencer, Dr. J, 0 ................................
. 35
Stewart, Charles E................................
. 87
Taylor, E. B......................................
. 93
Thomas, Rev. R. W. S ............................
. 8S
Thomas, Henrv J..................................
. 96
Uncles, Rev. Charles Randolph ....................
. 76
Wheeler, John Jones...............................
. 95
Caterers ..................................................
. 56
Census, 1910 ..............................................
. 43
Chiropodists ..............................................
. 70
Churches and Clergv.........................................
Colored High School Alumni Association......................
. 72
Colored High School Faculty.................................
Colored Men Who Served in Congress ........................
. 75
Custom House Employees,....................................
Day Nurserv Association for Colored Children.................
. 72
Dentists ...................................................
Drug Stores ...............................................
. 54
Endorsements .............................................
Eva Jenifer Neighborhood Club..............................
. 73
Hair Dressers .............................................
Head Waiters ................. ...... ... ... .............
. 71
High School ...............................................
. 45
Howard University ........................................
Hotels ............................ . . . . .
. 70
Hospitals ............................ ...... ............
. 70