Rev. A. L. Gaines, D.D. Pastor Waters A. M. E. Church. Secretary
of the Trustee Board of the Baltimore A. M. E. Conference and Business
Manager of the Baltimore Commonwealth.
Dr. Gaines was born in Georgia, received his grammar school train-
ing at Knox Institute. Athens. Ga.; his collegiate education at Atlanta
(Ga) University, and his theological training at Gammon School of
Theology. He look post graduate studies at Syracuse (N. Y.) Univer-
sity. He was ordained deacon In 1888 and Elder in 1890. He has pas
tored churches in Atlanta, Ga.. Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. He served
ns Presiding Klder In the Virginia Conference and before his assign-
ment to his present charge pastored Bethel and Trinity, Baltimore. He
was a member of the General Conference of 1896-1900-1904-1908. and
is elected to lend the Baltimore delegation at the Centennial General
Conference, which convenes in Philadelphia next May He is at present
a member of the General Board of Education of the A. M. E. Church.