Mr. George B. Murphy was born in Baltimore July 23, 1870. He was
educated in Miss Clark's private school and in the publlc schools of Bal-
timore—graduating from the Colored High School in 1890. Since his
graduation be has taught In the public schools of Baltimore. He is at
present principal of the Robert Brown Elllott School No. 112, which is
probably the largest elementary school exclusively for colored children
In the United States. The faculty numbers forty-two, with an enroll-
ment of more than eighteen hundred pupils. Notwithstanding his many
duties Incident to the running of a large school, Mr. Murphy has for
many years been Interested along other lines of endeavor, through
which the public has profited greatly. He is a ruling elder and treasurer
of the Madison Street Presbyterian Church, having held the latter office
for sixteen years. He has been secretary of the Board of Managers of
the Maryland Home for Friendless Colored Children for more than
twelve years; he is a director In the T. M. C. A., president of St. James'
M. B. Society, probably one of the oldest and most highly respected
societies in the city, and actively connected with most of the educational
organizations of the City of Baltimore and the State of Maryland.