Schoolmaster's Club of Baltimore
The Schoolmasters' Club of Baltimore, an organization of the male
teachers of the city, meets the first Saturday of each month, eicept
July. August and September, at the Pythian Castle, McCulloh and Pres-
ton Streets. The officers are: William Anderson, President; J. Clarence
Chambers, Vice-President; William T. Griggs, Secretary; Levi p. Moore,
Soon after being elected Mayor of Baltimore, Mr. Hodges took occasion
to say: "One of the earlier questions that claimed my careful attention
after my Installation Into office was the feasibility of appointing colored
teachers for colored schools. The Initial thought of my consideration of
the question sprang out of the conviction that colored children would be
naturally more in sympathy with colored teachers than with those of the
white race. I knew from my boyhood experience that sympathy between
teacher and pupil is a powerful aid to the acquisition of learning and
the lack of it a positive hindrance. Hence, I concluded that the educa-
tion of the colored youth of the city could be best secured through the
instrumentality of colored schools with colored teachers. On investiga-
tion 1 found that the soundness of my theory was confirmed by the a lino-
lute success of the system in the counties of the state."
This association was organized on July 5tb and 6th, 1886. Garrison
D. Trusty was the first president and Cornelius Smith the first secretary.
On December 27, 1886, the association held its first regular meeting
at the old Howard Normal School, Saratoga and Courtland Streets, at
which time a constitution was adopted, and an essay read by Miss Emma
Randolph. Music was rendered by Miss Jane F. Hutchins and Mrs. John
B. Washington. Resolutions on the death of General John A. Logan were
adopted, and sent to his family.
Tbe first commencement of the Colored High School was held in Ford's
Opera House on Friday evening, June 28, 1880.
The graduates on this occasion were Misses Gertrude and Nellie An-
derson, Gertrude Deaver, Fannie McCabe, Mamie Neal, Mollle Taylor.
Violet Thompson and Messrs. William 11. Murray and Walter Scott.
Where is now the main passenger entrance to Camden Station of the
B. & O. R. R.. In Baltimore, there stood prior to 1850 William Watkins'
Academy, a school in which a large number of colored youths of the
Monumental City received their education. William Watkins was him-
self one of the best educated colored men in Baltimore before the War.
He did much for the race. Among tbose whom be trained was his negro,
Mrs. Frances E. Harper, the noted authoress and temperance advocate.
One of the leading social organizations among the colored people of
Baltimore, thirty years ago. was the Nonpareil Assembly. The officers
were: Henry Smothers, President; George W. Harris, Vice-President;
Simon Boston. Secretary, and Wm. H. Turner, Treasurer.
This organization usually held its affairs at the old Raine's Hall,
Baltimore Street and Post Office Avenue.
The Nonpareil Orchestra, of which Lewis H. Pratt was director, in-
variably furnished the music.
"Male and Female Colored Schools No. 3 were ejected from the build-
ing In the rear of Sharp Street Church (colored). The trustees would
not consent for any consideration to have a colored public school on their
premises. After several months of searching for a bouse, one was
obtained on Camden Street near Sharp."—Report of School Commission
era, 1870.