Compiler and Publisher
One would not imagine the work entailed in the compiling
a book of this character, especially for me, as my time is so
divided in various lines of business, in order to satisfy my
currents demands. I have tried to establish a method of a
real effective, medium of advertisement, and at the same
time to collect a Directory of the colored professional, clerical,
skilled and business people. I aim to uplift men and to
give them credit for what they do. I am certain I have not
readied all of them, but owing to the fact that such an under-
taking is so broad in its scope, that it would entail a great
expense and a number of clerical assistants to make it com-
plete, therefore I ask that the public will be charitable in
their criticisms.
I wish to thank my many friends both white and colored
for their kind favors in assisting me in the compiling of this
Very respectfully,