WEEKLY—9-12 A. M.; 7-10 P. M. MT. VERNON 1109
SUNDAYS—8-11 A. M.; 7-8 P. M.
DR. G. W. KENNARD'S HOSPITAL (1885-1914. ).
Centrally Located—Easily Accessible.
After the establishment of The Kennard Hospital in the
City of Baltimore in the year of 1885, the demands for addi-
tional hospital facilities increased steadily. Thus the spa-
cious three-story brick building now opened and operated.
This Hospital, established over 29 years, with the inscrip-
tion on the front, "For the Cure of All. Manner of Diseases, "
has carried ont the assertion by the number of years of suc-
cessful operation which speaks volumes for its praise. At
the main entrance is the waiting room; to the right, is the
Drug Department, where four drug clerks are regularly em-
ployed, whose aim is always to please and. by double-check
system, always accurate. Second floor, to the right of the
corridor. Prof. G. W. Kennard's private office, which is fitted
up to meet the approval of the very particular. On the same
floor is a spacious dining room, and a well fitted out Chemical
Laboratory also. On this floor is located the Operating
Room: all the instruments of latest invention to ensure best
results here; everything is perfectly sanitary. On the third
floor, bed rooms, private dining rooms, baths and all other
conveniences that come under the sanitary law. Cheerful
visitors and obliging nurses are to be found here. The whole
thins1 in a few words—A Home-Like Hospital, whore flu-
best of treatment is to be had. Rates. $1. 00 per day and
upwards. For further information, write to Dr. G. W. KEN-
NARD.. M. D.. Ph. D. Staff of Assistants: Dr. J. Edward
Smith, Recording Secy, and Resident Physician in Charge,
722 North Spring St.: Dr. J. Fountain Smith. Correspond-
ing Clerk, Residence, 606 Stirling St.: Dr. Henry Kennard.
Supply and Financial Clerk, Resilience, 70£ Ensor St.
TS located one milo from Patuxent Station on the P., B. &
W. Railroad, Anno Arundel Co... Md., and is conducted and
managed under the auspices of Professor and Mrs. G. W.
Kennard, who are the sole proprietors.
The above-named Sanatorium will open on the first of
June, as heretofore, and remain so until October 1. The
aim and object of this place is to please the public, as it ha
so successfully done in the past. The public is cordially
invited to patronize, the said Sanatorium, whore all diseases
are and have been treated. The prices are moderate, the sit-
uation high and healthful, one of its main features being an
abundance of lofty pines which are so conducive to health.
Any other information desired can be obtained by applying
to PROF. G. W. KENNARD 704 Ensor St.. Balto.