U. H. Woodward, Pharmacist, 62S W. Lanvale St.
Ulysses G. Chambers, 1130 Etting St.
General Geo. H. Carter, Chief Engineer of W. R. K. P.,
Knights of Pythians of N. A. S. E. E. A. and A.
Jno. W. Deny, Druggist, 1016 Druid Hill Ave.
Melvins J. Clusium, Editor The Tri-State News, Salisbury.
Robt. H. Terrell, Judge Municipal Court, Washington, D. C,
Mary E. Rodman, Vice-Principal School 116.
Geo. H. Siddons, Florist, 516 Penna. Ave.
Thos. Hawkins. M.D., 1202 Druid Hill Ave.
E. Verry Stokes, Pharmacist, 1016 Druid Hill Ave.
Geo. A. Owens. Principal School 106, 543 Presstman St.
Francis J. Holland, Teacher of Music, 1809 McCulloh St.
J. E. Wright, Pharmacist, 1944 Druid Hill Ave.
Jno. W. Woodhouse, Principal School 115. 537 Presstman.
S. DeCoursey, Barber, 132 Richmond St.
Jno. W. Rich, Stenographer, 321 B. & O. Bldg.
Wm. F. DeBardeleben. General Secretary Colored Y. M. C.
A., 1619 Druid Hill Ave.
Ford T. Dabney, Hotel Goldfield, Lexington and Chestnut,
A. L. Gaines, Pastor. Trinity M. E. Church, 1010 Linden.
Cabell Calloway, Sr., 1017 Druid Hill Ave.
James N. Nutt, Treasurer and Superintendent of Home
Beneficial Society, 551 Robert St.
W. S. Fitzgerald, Lawyer and Real Estate, 1206 Druid Hill.
R. Garland Chissell, M.D., 424 E. Twenty-third St,
S. E. Young. 527 Presstman St.
C. T. Parker, Contractor. Mt, Winans.
W. C. Sherlock, President Maryland Association of Workers
for the Blind.
Geo. W. Connor, Manager Md. Workshop for the Blind.
Frank Brown and James Chase, Baltimore Representatives
of the Atlantic Perfected Motor Co.
Samuel Adams Hackett, 548 Dolphin St.. Head Butler for
Munnickhuysen. 1018 N. Charles St. (40 years' serv-
Rev. C. A. Evers, St. Barnabas' Church.
Rev. Jones Watkins. D.D.. Pastor Enon Baptist Church.
Benj. A. Green. Pharmacist. Ellicott City, Md.
Rev. Dr. G. W. Kennard. M.D., Ph.G.
Ernest Purviance. Musician. Drexel Promoter. 1209 Druid
Hill Ave.
A. H. Pitts, S. E. cor. Bond and Mullikin Sts.
Father Griffith. St. Mary's Church. Residence- 810 Hamilton