Green William P. Baltimore E of Caroline st
Green George, chair maker, n Eden near Hamp-
stead st
Green mrs Maria, carpet manufactory, 19 E Bal-
timore St
Green John N. silver smith, Mulligan st near Eden
Green Terrence, riailor, Wilk stnear Harford run
Green David, laborer, Potter st near Douglass
Green Sophia, 77 Argyle alley
Green David, packer, Welcome alley near How-
ard st
Green Jane, Peace alley w of Howard st
Green Richard, porter, Potter stnear Low
Green Ann, Moore's lane
Green Charles, white washer, Long alley
Green Terrence, nailor,cor Wagon al. & Eutaw st
Green John, carpenter 40 Fayette st near Eutaw
Green Edward, stone mason, 64 n Fayette st
Green mrs Ann, Lanvale cotton factory w of
Belvidere st
Green John, carpenter, 4 Fayette st
Green & Robinson, paper hangers & manufactu-
rers, 20 Baltimore st
Green Thomas, hair dresser, 2 Hanover st and 4
Light st
Green Richard, cooper, 60 South st
Green J. & W. opticians, 41 South st
tGreen Peter, laborer, Guilford alley
+Green David laborer, Welcome alley
+Green Anna, white washer, Moore's lane
+Green Richard, laborer, Hamilton st
+Green David, laborer, Howard st near Lee
+Green Thomas, hair dresser, Bank Lane betw.
Light and Hanover st
+Green John, sawyer, Forest st s of Douglass
+Green Jacob, ship carpenter,E end Hampstead st
+Green Benjamin, laborer, Eden st near Pratt
+Green Edward laborer, Alice Anna st
+Green Sophia, Argyle alley near Wilk st
+Green Charles, sawyer, 98 s Caroline st
+Green Mary, washer, Sarah Ann st
+Green Wm. brickmaker, Charles st near West
+Green Betsey, Cross st
Greenbury mrs Catharine, Hookstownroad
+Greener Belinda, Dutch alley
Greenfield A. H. boot and shoemaker, sw cor N
Gay and N Exeter sts
Greenwood mrs Amelia, tailoress, 6 Commerce st
Greenwood mrs Mary, tailoress, 30 German st
++Greenwood Henry, drayman, Howard st s of
+Greenwood Pet. laborer, Gilford's al E of Charles
+Greenwood Perry, sawyer, 10 Thames st
Greer Isaac, 22 Light st
Greer mrs Mary, 24 Liberty st N of Lexington
Greetham mrs Margaret, Calvert et
Gregg Andrew & Co. flour merchants, 18 Frank-
lin St
Gregg Thomas, (firm of A. Gregg & Co.) dw
Paca st s of Franklin st
Gregg miss, fancy dipgs maker, 21 E Water st
Gregg Andrew & Co flour merch. 18 Franklin st
Gregg Thorn, firm of A. Gregg & Co. dw Paca
st s of Franklin
Gregg John & Co. grocers. 80 Pratt st. dw Gregg
Holiday st near Lexington
Gregory Joseph, watchman, Sugar alley near s
Greves David, wholesale grocer, County wharf
Grice Daniel, carpenter, Pitt st near Aisquith
+Grice Hez. dealer in ice, Aisquith st
Gridley & Co. lottery and exchange office, 25 n
Gay st. dw cor East and Moon alley
Griers mrs Eleanor, dressmaker, 75 N Liberty st
Griffin Wm. farmer, Amity st near Baltimore
Griffin John, shoemaker, Thames st near Wolf
Griffin Philip ,miller, Biddle alley
Griffin Elias T. tobacconist, Pine st near Franklin
Griffin P. weaver, Mulberry st extended
Griffin John, grocer and liquor store, Ross st near
Long alley
Griffin Julia, seamstress, Strawberry alley near
Fleet st
Griffin John, sea capt. Eden st near Pratt
Griffin George, millwright, Lee st w of Light
Griffin Wm. machine maker, Barre st near Sharp
Griffin John, grocer and liquor store, cor Ross st
and Long alley
++Griffin Hetty, washer, German st betw Cove and