Frederick Lawrence, cedar cooper, S3 Howard st
Frederick John, laborer, Hillen st near Forest
Frederick Robert.chair maker, N Gay st s of Mott
Frederick John, boot & shoemaker, Penn avenue
betw Preston & Union sts
Fredet Rev. Peter, St. Mary's seminary
Free Jefferson, cooper, cor Lunn's lane Bur-
gundy alley
Free Melton, cooper, Conway st
Freeburger John, grocer,sw cor Light and Hill sts
Freeburger G. centre hotel, Mercer st
Freeburger John, tinner, Montgomery st. w of
Freeburger Henry G. city bailiff, Charles st near
Freel James, laborer, Ross st
Freel Wm. laborer, Ross st
Freel Wm. laborer, alley near Ross st
Freeland Edward, tobacco mer. dw 84 Sharp st
Freeman Wm. H. attorney at law, dw 80 n Chas.
Freeman Samuel, laborer, Pearl st
+Freeman Peter, porter, Sarah Ann st E of Cove
+Freeman Scipio, laborer, Cross st
+Freeman Henry, shoemaker, NE cor Forest &
Douglass sts
+Freeman Samuel, blacksmith, s Eutaw st near
Gist's factory
Freinscht George, brewer, Camden st w of Eutaw
French Charles, baker, cor Franklin & Chats-
worth sts
French Doctor, 135 Hanover st
French J. C. whip, cane and umbrella maker, 96
Baltimore st
French N. copper roller, Crook's row
French Matthew, accountant, 25 Pitt st
French Nicholas, copper roller, NE cor Potter &
French sts
French Wm. victualler, cor Bond st and Straw-
• berry alley
^French Betsy, Busy alley
Frey Edward, druggist, 75 n Howard st
Frey mrs Susan, George st near Pine
•Freyer H. & Mott, lime, flour and feed store, 49
N Gay st
Freyer Elijah, gilder, 67 B Baltim. st near Canal
Freyer E. S. carver and gilder, 2 n Gay st
Friar Andrew, boot and shoemaker, grocery and
liquor store, cor Park st and Inloes' alley
Frick Doctor George, 10 n Gay st
Frick mrs Margaret, 10 n Gay st
Frick Wm. attorney at law, office, Athenaeum
Frick Jacob, hack driver, Caroline near Pinkney
Fridge & Morris, merchants, 8s Charles st
Fridge Alex. (firm of do.) dw 32 Sharp st
Fridge & Morris, 8 s Charles st
Fridge Alex. 32 Sharp st
Friese Philip R. J. merchant, 67 Hanover st. store
1 Lorman row, Hanover st
Fringer mrs Hester, Hookstown road
Frisby Wm. sea capt. 31 Fleet st E end
Frisby Nathaniel, laborer, Peace alley
+Frisby Perry, laborer, Hill st E of Charles
+Frisby Perry, laborer, Bottle alley, w of How-
ard St
+Frisby Charles, brickmaker, Forest st s of Doug-
+Frisby Emanuel, laborer, Hawk st
Frum Nimrod, cabinet maker, Eden st
Fry James, grocer, 49 Bond st
Fry Gantlet, tailor, Pratt near Caroline st
Fryatt mrs Susan.hall of refresh ments, 30 Water st
Fryfrogan Mr. city watchman, Shroeder st near
+Fulk mrs Ann, Orleans st near run
Fuller Phil, wheelwright, Lancaster st near Bond
Fuller Thomas, laborer, Ensor st
Fuller Hor. grocer, cor Alice Anna and Wash-
ington sts
Fullerton George, weaver, Preston st near Ross
Fullerton Peter, grocer, Saratoga st near Pine
Fulton Thos. H.grocer, cor Forest & French sts
Fulton Mrs. Susanna, Sarah Ann near Silver st
Fulton Doctor Robert, cor Dutch alley and Lib-
erty st
Furbey Edward, carter, 7 Lancaster st
Furlong James, druggist, 95 Bond st
Furlong Thomas, Pine st near Franklin
Furlong mrs Elizabeth, shoebinder, Saratoga st
near Pine
Furnesa Thom. D. carpenter, Harford avenue