Duncan mrs Sarah, seamstress, Long alley
+Duncan Kitty, Spring ft near Gough
Dundor Henry, shoemaker, Gough st near Eden
Dungan F. D. Wholesale shoe and hat store, NE
cor Baltimore and Liberty sts
Dungan Wm.constable cor Calvert and Bath sts
Dungan Wm. shoe store, cor Baltimore and
McClellan's sts
Dungan —— , cooper, Commerce st
Dungan F. D. & Co. wholesale shoe dealers, 242
cor Baltimore & Liberty sts, dw. 59 Pearl
st near Lexington
Dungan Stevenson, cooper, Stiles st near Exeter,
shop Commerce st
Dungan Thomas, upholsterer, 48 Potter st
Dunham James, boarding house, 24 Thames
st F. P.
Dunham Jacob, ship carpenter, cor Wilk st and
Star alley
Dunker Harman, seaman, lower end Ann st
Dunkin Levin, ship builder, 33 Fell si
Dunlap mrs Sarah, seamstress,Park sts of Sarato.
Dunlevy Thomas C. grocer, and livery stable, 8
Fish Market space
Dunn John, weaver, Franklin st extended
Dnnn mrs Lee st near Charles
Dunn Francis, market man, Lee st near Charles
Dunn John, tailor, 47 N Liberty st. dw 23 New
Church st
Dunn Dr. A. 52 N Frederick st
Dunn mrs Catherine, tavern keeper, 58 B Calvert
Dunn mrs Jane, cor Franklin & Cove sts
Dunn John, laborer, Monument near Constitu-
tion St
Dunn Michael, wheelwright 60 N High st
Dunn Alexander, laborer, West st near Light
+Dunn Isabella, oysterwoman, Honey alley
Dunnagan Wm. carter, county wharf
Dunnahugh Thomas, silver plater, 6 Block st
Dunnavan mrs. Mary, 1 Beuren st,
Dunnigan Patrick, carter, Lancaster st
Dunning Samuel, victualler, Aisquith st N of
Dunsmore Samuel, carter, Pierce st near Cove
Dunsmore mrs Mary, 42 N Sharp st
+Dunson Matthew, N Sharp st
+Duphins Phoebe, Broad alley
Durand B shoemaker, 4 E Pratt st
Durborow John, attorney at law, Fayette st near
St. Paul's lane, dw N Green st near Frank-
lin st
Durding John, plowmaker, E Pratt st near Hart-
ford run
Durham Wm miller, Union alley near N Eden st
Durham Lloyd, grocer, sw cor Eutaw and Cam-
den sts
Durham John, cooper, cor Green and Light sts
dw 157 Baltimore st
During John, shoemaker, st. Mary st
Durkee Doctor, 9 s Gay st. dw Albemarle st s of
Water st.
Durkee Stephen S. K. cabinet maker, 82 Har-
rison st
Durning James, carpenter, 76 East st
Durocher A. H. concert hall, s Charles st
Durst John F. cotton wadding maker, 175 Hano-
ver st
Dusberry Elizabeth, 27 Albermarlest
Dusberry Jacob, laborer, Biddle alley
Dushane John, carpenter, Saratoga st w of Pine
Dushane Cornelius, bricklayer, svv cor Sharp st
& Peace alley
Dushane Valent. carpenter, Franklin st E of Paca
Dushane John, carpenter, cor Lombard and Sharp
sts. dw 64 Sharp st
Dushane Cornelius, bricklayer, sw cor Sharp st
and Peace alley
Dutro & Carson, dry goods merchants,34 N How
ard st
Dutton Robert, cabinet maker, 98 Bond st
Dutton John, bricklayer, 6 E Pratt st
Duvall mrs. Rebecca, Green st 3 doors from cor
of Lombard
Duvall Nathan F. cordwainer, Holland near Hart-
ford st
Duvall John H. merchant, dw 63 s Sharp st
Duvier Sarah, 143 French st
Dvvirthy Henry, clerk, seminary lane
Dye mrs. Mary, boarding house, 44 market st
Dyer Joseph, butcher, York avenue