Dorsey Thomas s Paca st
Dorsey mrs Ann, x Paca st
Dorsey mrs Henrietta, N Paca st near Murberry
+Dorsey Charles, laborer, Long alley
Dorsey Wm. merchant, Mulberry st near Paca
Dorsey Henry K. cabinet maker, Wagon alley
Dorsey Joshua, NW cor Liberty and Fayette sts
Dorsey Richard, merchant, exchange building,
dw Saratoga st opposite Liberty
Dorsey Samuel W. attorney at law,7 Courtland st
Dorsey Charles S. W. attorney at law, 6 Athe-
Dorsey & Fitzpatrick, grain and flour merchants,
22 Light st wharf
Dorsey mrs Elizabeth, fancy store, 43 w Pratt st
Dorsey John, tavern keeper, cor Ruxton and
Light sts
+Dorsey Henry, laborer,Chappel al near Park st
++Dorsey Perry, Guilford alley near Charles st
+Dorsey Susan, Sharp st near Barre
+Dorsey Abram, porter, 4 German lane
+Dorsey Cresy, German lane
+Dorsey Henry, grocery and feed store, Camden
+Dorsey Moses, laborer, Peace alley
+Dorsey Mary, cook, Busy alley
+Dorsey Nathan, laborer, Sugar alley
+Dorsey Henry, blacksmith West st
+Dorsey, Lucinda, Addison st near High
+Dorsey Elizabeth, Ensor st
+Dorsey Thos. nursery man, Covest. near Frank-
lin st
+Dorsey Harry, laborer, German st w of Green
+Dorsey Minty, Saratoga st w Green
Dosh mrs Rebecca, 41 s Charles st
+Dosou Joseph, hair dresser, Pratt st bridge
Doster John, tailor, Hampstead st near Spring
Dougherty Thomas, bricklayer, Bank st near Ar-
gyle alley
Dougherty Hugh, house carpenter, Bank st near
Argyle alley
Dougherty Richard, Burben lane near Camden st
Dougherty James, stone cutter, Camden st near
Light st wharf
Dougherty Joshua, bricklayer, Ensor st near Mott
Dougherty Neal, grocer, 45 Union st near Ross
Dougherty James, grocer, 2 Ross st
Doughty Epenetes, baker 98 N Liberty st
+Doughty Russell, seaman, 65 w end Wolf st
+Douging Nicholas, drayman, Bell alley
Douglass R. H. & Co. merchants 50 s Gay st
Douglass Thomas, Bottle alley
DougJass Wm. grocery and feed store, w Pratt st
near Eutaw
Douglass Maria, Pleasant st
Douglass mrs R. H. Saratoga st w of Charles
Douglass Wm. watchman, Conway st w of Sharp
Douglass Peter, oak cooper, 58 Harrison st
Douglass Doctor, 8 Hanover st
tDouglass Samuel laborer, Pine st near Fayette
Dover Christopher, shoemaker Sugar alley near
s Charles st
Dowie Wm. miller, Lanvale cotton factory, w of
Belvidere bridge
Dowlan John, laborer, Penn av near city limits
+Dowlan Isaac, drayman, York av
Dowling mrs Mary, 70 s High st
Dowling Wm. Stewart of Baltimore hospital
Dowling Edward, innkeeper, 38 Wilk st
Dowling Edward, carpenter, N Eutaw st
Dowling Wm. grocery and dry goods store, SE cor
Wilk and Spring sts
+Dowling B. C. boot black, 38 N Gay st
Downes James, shoemaker, 20 New st
Downey Risden, chair maker, N Exeter, near
French st
Downey Edwin, carpenter, Orleans st near run
Downey Wm. B. hack driver, St Mary's st near
Ross st
+Downey Viney, Douglass st
Downing Nathaniel, bricklayer, Fayette st w o
Pine st
Downing Howell, carpenter, 9 w Lexington st
Downs Wm. pilot, 61 Ann st near Wolf
Downs Robert S. bailiff, Hartford st near Barre
Downs Stewart, draper, 54 N Howard st
Downs Stewart, tailor, Franklin st extended
Downs Isaiah, comb maker, Pierce st near Pine
Doxey Josiah, Pilot 77 Alice Anna st
Doxey mrs Eliza, 14 Caroline st