Penny Thomas, merchant tailor, Barre st w of
Denny & Randall, auctioheers and general com.
merchants, 5 E Water st
Denny Thomas, mer. dw Barre w of Charles st
Denny Wm. ship joiner, Spt-ar's whnrf
Depository of the Maryland Sunday School Union
s Calvert st cor of Lovely lane, J. W. Til-
yard, agent
Deppish John C. printer, Lasserman's alley near
French st
+Dernal Mary, Dutch alley
De Ronceray Charles, professor of music, 94 s
Derry mrs Rosey, Holliday st N of Bath
+ Derry Samuel, hackdriver, Ensor st.
De Shain, carpenter, dw Franklin st
Despada Charles, hardware merchant, N Sharp st
Dcspeaux Anthony, ship carpenter, o Block st
Dexpeaux Alexander, ship carpenter, 1 Block st
Despaux Joseph D. tailor, 33 Phil pot st
Dettmar Henry, hatter, Lovely lane
Detto Charles, boat builder,Caroline near Wilk st
Detton mrs Ellen, grocer, cor Barre and Charles
Detz Andr. carpenter, Monument st near Hillen
Devalin Hugh, smith in general, 80 Harrison st
dw. Constitution st near Beuren
Devalin Henry, carpenter, Lerew's alley near
Richmond st
Devalin Hugh, smith & machinist, 79 Harrison st
Devens James, fancy goods in Bazaar, dw. 43
Pitt st
Deveter mrs Mary A. cor New Church St Sharp sts
Devinney mrs. Jane, Forest st near Penitentiary
+ Deviter Benj. shoemaker, w Pratt st w of Green
De Volt Christian, laborer, Fort road
Dew mrs. Jane, Aisquith st vv side N of Orleans
+Deward Henry, shoemaker, Peace alley
tDeward Michael, blacksmith,Beard st
Dewees Andrew & Co. grocers, 3 M'Elderry's
'wharf, dw. Pratt st
Dewees & Rider, oyster cellar, cor Paca and
Franklin sts
Dey Samuel F. city watchman, Hawk st
De Young Michael, comb, jewellery and fancy
store, 198 Baltimore st
Diamond Andrew, weaver, Pierce st
Diamond James, cooper, w Wolf st
Dickehut Henry F. botanist, dw NE cor Freder-
ick and Baltimore sts
Dickehut mrs Hannah, confectioner, NE cor of
Baltimore and Frederick sts
Dickel mrs. Catherine, cakeshop, Biddle alley
Dickerson mrs Lucretia, near city spring
Dickerson Nathan, laborer, Montgomery st
+ Dickerson Daniel, laborer, Charles st near Hill
+ Dickerson James, stevadore, Hughes st
+Dickerson Richard, laborer, Douglass st
+ Dickerson Minta, Strawberry alley
+Dickerson William, stevadore, Spring st
+Dickerson Hager, 33 Bank st
Dickey George S. grocer and com. mer. cor Han-
over and Pratt st. dw 87 Sharp st
Dickey Michael S. dry goods merchant, 1771 Bal-
timore st
Dickey Patrick,domestic manufacturer,Preston st
Dickinson Wm. public appraiser, 43 s Gay st
Dickinson Joseph, carpenter, Lunn's lane
Dickinson Joshua, grocer, cor Charles & Lee sts
Dickinson Capt. David B. WE cor Water & Exe-
ter sts
Dickinson Priscilia, 40 N Exeter st
Dickinson Samuel, baker, Molt st w side
Dickinson James, carter, N Gay st
Dickinson Wm. Reedmaker, Saratoga st w Pine
+ Dickinson James, laborer, N Gay st near Mott
+ Dickinson Perry, scowman, Short st
Dicks Isaac, cotton spinner, Lanvale factory, w
side Belvidere bridge
Dickson Eliza, widow, cor Alice Anna & Ann sts
Dickson Wm. weaver, Richmond st near Tyson
Dickson John, seaman, Centre lane
Didier Doctor Franklin, druggist, 63 C. Market
Space, dw. E Water st
Didier Edmund, merchant, Calvert St 2d door B
of Lexington, dw Calvert st N of Lexington
Didier Henry, (firm of D. Arey & Didier) dw
Monument st
Dieter Mrs. Mary Ann F. Fawn at near High