Creagh John, dry goods merchant, 2 N Gay St
Creagh John, boot and shoemaker,62 Lexington st
Cream Jacob, mathematical instrument maker
Bishop alley near President st
Creamer James, blacksmith, Spring stnear Pratt
Creamer Samuel, cooper, Henrietta st near s
Creamer mrs Polly, Columbia st
Creamer John, wheelwright, George st near Pine
Creamer Joshua, lumber merchant, intersection
of Hillen st and Harford av. dw Exeter st
near Methodist E. church
++Creek Richard, Exeter st
+Creek mrs Charlotte 136 N Exeter st
Creery & Robinson, iron merchants,
77 Smith's wharf, dw J. Creary Barnet st
Crengle John, grocery and liquor store, Eutaw st
E side, s of Saratoga
Creny C ——— , grocery and liquor store, cor of
Ross and Union sts
Cresap mrs Mary, 81 N Exeter st
Cresap Luther M. lottery and exchange office, 12
Marsh Market space
Cretzer mrs Elizabeth, seamstress, Liberty alley
Crew Richard, farmer's and merchant's tavern,
N Howard st
Crew Wm. laborer, 35 Wagon alley
+Crew Edward, sawyer, Peace alley
+Crew Edward, laborer, Columbia st
Crey Fred. Madison st 2nd house s of Beuren st
Crey Henry, 1 Thompson st
Crips Thomas, 133 N Eutaw st
Crisall John, boot maker, Sugar alley near s
Charles st
Crisp Jno. teacher Bond st near Fleet.
Grist Wm butcher, Ensor st
+Cristey Priscilla, Salisbury near Harford run
+Cristy mrs Delia, s Exeter st near Salisbury al.
Cristy Henry, weaver, Union st
Criswell John, carter, Sharp st near Hill
Criswell George, cooper, s Eutaw st near Gist's
Crocker Barney, rigger, 16 Ann st
Crocket Hugh, "distiller, Centre st near the bridge
Crome & Reidelberger, smiths in general. 89 N
Liberty st
Cromer mrs Mary Ann, tailoress, 37 German st
Cromer Daniel, cooper, Eutaw st near Lombard
Cromwell Joshua, grocer, cor Wolf and Fleet sts
Cromwell Thomas, cabinet maker, 12 Thames st
Cromwell Oliver, carpenter, Columbia st
Cromwell mrs Julia Ann, milliner, 17 Harrison st
Cromwell Levi, gun smith, 35 Thames st
+Cromwell Wm. waiter, Spring st near Pratt
+Cromwell Gabriel, hair dresser, 41 Light st
+Cromwell Caleb, Light st s of West
+Cromvvell Richard, laborer, Hanover st
Crone Robert, hairdresser, 21 w Pratt st
Cronmiller Doctor John, N Paca st w side s of
Lexington st
Cronmiller Doctor Wm. 63 & 65 Camden st
Cronmiller Jacob, Henrietta st near s Charles
Crook Charles J. proprietor of Crook's factory,
dw Monument st
Crook Daniel, butcher, Harford avenue
Crook Edward & Geo. carpenters, Harford run
Crook mrs Permelia, seamstress, Alice Anna st
near Strawberry alley
Crook James, merchant, dw 7 Waterloo row, N
Calvert st
Crook Walter, jr. upholsterer and paper hangings
warehouse, 104 w Baltimore st, dw Centre
near Calvert st
Crook mrs Charlotte, NE cor of St. Paul's & Plea-
sant sts
Crook Joseph, upholsterer and paper hanger, 186
Market st
Crook George A. Commerce st wharf
C roper Stephen, shoemaker, 1 New st
Cross Trueman, accountant in Commercial and
Farmers' Bank, dw Fayette st betw. Eutaw
and Paca st
Cross Samuel B. coach smith, s Eutaw st near
Camden st
Cross John, lumber merchant, O'Donnell's whf.
dw 72 N High st
Cross Robert N. house carpenter, Albemarle st
near Stiles st