We have inserted the following Advertisement in att the daily papers in the
city and have only been furnished, with the list at the foot of this page,
"BALTIMORE DIRECTOR for 1833-4. Last Notice.—All persons who have removed or
changed business since the first of April, are invited to leave information at the Director Office imme-
diately, as the work is now finishing; and hose wishing to advertise will have an opportunity till the
25th inst. The extensive circulation of the Director among the citizens, the frequent reference
made to it not only by citizens but strangers, and each copy being in constant use, necessarily for 2
years, render it one of the best modes of advertising. Office kept by
Job and Book Printer, over N. E. corner Gay and Water sts."
Now we pledge ourselves to furnish each subscriber, or purchaser of the Director,gratis, with a list
of omissions, corrections, removals, alterations &c. If they will take the pains to make such cor-
rections &c.and furnish us with them by July 1st ensuing. Each one by noting such as he discovers
can easily furnish it; but it is impossible for the publisher to use any other means to correct errors,
and if they are not furnished, we see no ground for any one to complain.
Omissions and Corrections, as far as they have been furnished.
Birckhead & Pearce com.merchants, 83 South st.
dw Charles R. Pearce NE cor Charles and
Lexington sts
Brotherton Thomas W. lottery and exchange of-
fice, No. 20 Pratt at near Market Space
Davis & Sholes upholsterers, 108 Baltimore St
Dremond & Co. hatters, 168 Baltimore st
Eichelberger Geo. S. magistrate and conveyan-
cer, 1 Fish Market Space, dw Pitt st
Filbert mrs cor Water & Hollingsworth sts
Fowler Francis M. general accountant, Conway
st betw. Sharp and Hanover sts
Garland & Osborn, com. mer 86 Bowly's wharf
Grover Jacob and lime and feed store, cor Monument
and Aisquith sts
Harris Col. David, clerk to Health Com. office
city hall, dw Saratoga st n side near Park
Hasten James Jr, grocer and com. mer. 50 s Fred-
erick St'
Holtzman & Hunt, drapers and tailors, 185 Bal-
timore st
Hope Wm. com. mer. and agent for the AEtna
insurance co.of Hartford Con, 11 Bowly's
Jacobs Joseph & Co. fancy paper hangings and
fine Paris green manufacturers, cor Ty-
son and Cathedral sts. dw of J. J. n How-
ard st opposite the old Alms House
Johnson Wm. bookseller, No. 6 n Charles st dw
Garden st n of Madison
Talbot —— , constable and collector, cor Ais-
quith &- Orleans sts