+Worthington & Johnson, woollen dressers, 7
Wren Christopher, cor Fleet st and Apple alley
Wright mrs Christiana, 51 n High st
Wright William, city watchman, n Exeter at near
Wright Henry, 9 Water st near Exeter
Wright Luther, clerk, Forest st
Wright Mary, seamstress, 6 Tyson st
Wright Joel, book binder and machine ruler,
over ne cor Howard and Fayette sts, dw
Jefferson row Conway st
Wright James, laborer, Block st near Nelson's
bake house
Wright Lloyd, shoemaker, N Eden st near Union
Wright John J. shoemaker, N Eutaw st
Wright John, shoemaker, 521 N Howard st. dw
49 N Howard st
Wright mrs Mary, Chamberlain alley
Wright Doctor T. H. Fayette st near Howard st
s side
Wright mrs Catherine, 79 Hanover st
Wright Edward, eagle coffee house, 3 w Pratt st
Wright Wm. 66 Harrison st
Wrigth Elizabeth, lane between O'Donnell's
& Dugan's wharf
Wright Edward, drayman, Bank lane
+Wright Charles, sawyer, Strawberry alley near
+Wright Wm Welcome alley
+Wright Ann, Bottle alley near Paca st
+Wright Emory, laborer, Centre st near Charles
Wulff J. H. saddler, w Baltimore st E of Cove
Wyant Nicholas, oyster etablishment, 121 w
Pratt st
Wyatt Wm. brickmaker, Spring st near Gough
Wyatt rev, Wm., pastor of St. Paul's church, Sa-
ratoga st opposite Liberty
Wyeth Charles, merchants N Charles st near Plea-
Wyeth & Norris French dry goods merchants
Wyman Samuel, dw Pleasant st between N Chas.
and St. Paul's st
Wyman Samuel & Co. domestic commission mer-
chants, 234 Baltimore st. between Charles
and Liberty sts
Wynn John, East st N of Pitt
Wynn Christopher, watchmaker and jeweller,
222 1/2 Baltimore at. dw 18 Barnet st
Wynnaert James, sailer of provisions, 48 Wagon
Wysham capt, E. C. flour merchant, cor Eutaw
and Baltimore sts. dw Fayette st between
Eutaw and Paca st
Wyshan John shoemaker, 42 East st
Wyvill M. D. merchant tailor,17 Baltimore st dw
13 McClellan's st
YAGER JOSEPH, bacon mer. 275 w Balti-
more st
Yam Thomas, seaman, 134 Ann st w side
Yants mrs Frances, Hollingsworth st 2d door 8 of
Water st
Yater Henry, shoemaker, Aisquith near Holland
Yates Dr. John L. 76 Exeter st
Yates George W. drug aud chemical store, 49 N
Gay st
Yates John, Store E Pratt st. dw Mechanics' row
Yates John, importer of hardware, 31 s Pratt st
Yates Sandy, laborer, 17 Necessity alley
Yeager John, engineer, n Eden st near Pitt
Yearks miss Eliza W. seamstress, Maiden lane
Yearly Alexander, accountant, in Bank of Balti-
more, dw 77 n Green st
Yearly William, cooper, w Pratt st E of Cove
Yearly Edward, cabinet maker, 19 Gough st
Yearly Wm. cooper Wagon alley
Yeatman Win. carpenter, St. Paul's st s of Centre
Yeatman John, saddler, cor Mercer and Light sts
Yearner, Henry, carpet weaver, 88 E Pratt st
Yoe Alexander, painter, Union alley near n Eden st
Youce George, carpenter, Biddle st near Ross
Youce CharfesW. bailiff, 2 Potter st
Youce mrs baker, Holliday st N of Saratoga
Youce Simon, tinner, 43 Park st
Young Rachel, Star alley
Young Samuel, ship carpenter, Argle alley