Williams Wm. chair factory , Pratt st near the
Williams Bennet, oyster house, Concord St near
Fish Market space
Williams & McLaughlin, grocers and commis-
sion merchants, 32 Dugan's wharf
Williams George, comm. merch. 3 Bowly's whrf.
dw s. Frederick st near Baltimore
Williams mrs Mary, washer, Moore's lane near
Eutaw st
Williams mrs Margaret, 126 N Eutaw st
Williams Jesse, millwright, 7 New st
Williams & Hisse, finding shop. 80 N Howard st
Williams miss May, Park st near N Saratoga
Williams mrs Catherine, tailoress, St. Paul's st N
of Hamilton
Williams Rev. Charles, of Protestant Episcopal
Church, dw Mulberry st
Williams Henry H. comm. mereh. 14 Bowly's
wharf, dw Saratoga st near Charles
Williams N. F. merch. 14 Bowly's wharf, dw 79
N Charles st
Williams mrs Malinda, Bath st near Calvert
Williams Lewis H. bricklayer, N Sharp st s of
Williams John & James, cabinetmakers, 68 South
st. dw James W. firm of do. Courtland st
near Saratoga, dw John W. firm of do. 50
Camden st
Williams miss S. 52 Calvert st
Williams Nath. district attorney, United States,
Monument square
Williams Rev. Steph. pastor of Mariner's Church,
83 Market st
Williams Cumberland D. merchant, dw Calvert
st s of Saratoga
Williams mrs S. 161 Baltimore st
Williams John, hatter, 160 Baltimore st
Williams Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 85 Bal-
timore St
Williams Henry M. comm. merchant, 99 Bowly's
wharf, dw 25 s Howard st
Williams George, comm merch. 3 Bowly's whrf.
Williams Wallace, tavern-keeper, Fish Market
Williams John, Conway st w of Sharp
++Williams E. washer, cor Chatsworth st and
Chesnut alley
++Williams Mary, washwoman, Gallows hill
+Williams Abraham, grocer, Potter st near Low
+Williamt V. washwormn. 49 Rods st
+ Williams Philip, St, Mary's st
+Williams Mary, washwoman, Hull's lane
+Williams V. washwoman, Howard st extend.
+Williams Wm. carter, Howard Bl extend.
+ Williams Lewis, labor. Sarah Ann st near Biddle
+Williams S cartman, East st near Donglass
+Williams Sarah, seamstress, Salisbury st near
Harford run
++ Williams Peggy, washwoman, 75 Albermarle st
near Stiles
++Williams Pembroke, ship carpenter Ann st near
+Williams Dinah, wash woman, Happy alley near
Gough st
+ Williams Plato, ship scraper, Strawberry alley
near Bond st
++Williams Ephraim, sawyer, Strawberry alley
near Bond st
+Williams Richard, wagoner, Pierce st
+Williams Charles, laborer, Sarah Ann st
+WilliamsHannah, washer, German st w of Green
+ Williams Ezekiel, blacksmith, s Eutaw st
+Williams Susan, washer, s Eutaw st
+Williams Benj. brick maker, s Eutaw st
+Williams Anthony, porter, Sugar alley
+Williams Charles, laborer, Sugar alley
+ Williams John, waiter, Bishop alley near Pre-
sident st
+ Williams Fanny, Scott st
+Williams Benjamin, Homespun alley
+ Williams Prince, laborer, Union st
+ Williams John, brickmaker, Howard st
+Williams S. Peace alley
+Williams Mary, Sharp st
+Williams John W. seaman, Spring st near Gough
+ Williams George, seaman, B Pitt st near N Eden
+Williams David, ropemaker, Barre st near Light
+Williams Mary, washer, Howard st.
+ Williams David, laborer, Homespun alley