Warehouse, Eastern district, Fella Point, cor of
Market and Alice Anna sts
Watchhouse Western District, NE cor Paca and
Fayette sts
Watchman & Bratt, engine manufacturers and
founders, Arrnistead lane
Watchman John, Light st wharf
Waterhouse mrs Ann, 70 Hanover st
Waterman Samuel, second hand clothing store,
39 Light st
Waters Stephen, carpenter, 52 N Eutaw st
Waters mrs Ann, 80 N Howard st
Waters George, merchant, store and wharf s end
Fell st
Waters F. G. collector for Baltimore water com-
pany, 83 N Liberty st
Waters Zebulou, accountant in bank of Baltimore,
dw cor Saratoga st and College alley
Waters Joseph G tobacconist, 68 s Sharp st
Waters Francis, teacher, 79 St. Paul's st
Waters George, Thames st near Market
Waters mrs Mary, 74 N High st
Waters mrs Eliza, E Pratt st near High
Waters miss Ruth, 24 3 Baltimore st near High
Waters Spencer, laborer, Douglass st near East
Waters John, grocer, Armistead lane
Waters Wm. sea capt. West st
Waters mrs Sarah, Hughes's st
Waters Peter, clerk, e Baltimore st near Canal
+Waters Edward, carter, Gallows hill
++Waters Emory, sawyer, Peach alley
+ Waters Eliza, 18 Bank st
Waterson M. G. 33 Camden st
Waterworth Samuel, weaver, Sarah Ann st back
ot Saratoga
Watkins Thomas, laborer, Mechanic's court in
High st
Watkins John W. bricklayer, Franklin row near
Chatsworth wt
Watkins Nicholas, bricklayer, Franklin row near
Chatsworth st
Watkins C. bricklayer, Lexington st w of Pine
Watkins James. laborer, Long alley
Watkins Noble G. painter, Peace alley near Paca st
Watkins L. J. & Co, dry goods, 24 w Pratt st
Watkins Thomas &, Co. merchant tailors, 230
Market st.
Watkins Susanna, boarding house, 14 Philpot st
+ Watkins Jane, Carpenter's alley
+ Watkins Jonathan, gardener, Sarah Ann st
Watson John, laborer, Addison st near High
Watson William, laborer, n Exeter st near French
Watson John M. grocery &, commission mer. 75
s Calvert st dw Water st E of Exeter
Watson Samuel, weaver, Pierce st
Watson Wm. H. attorney at law, Schroeder st be-
tween Lexington and Saratoga
Watson mrs Rebecca, 5 Schroeder st
Watson John, engineer, Armistead lane
Watson James, farmer, Armistead lane
Watson John, shoemaker, Water st near Calvert
Watson Donald, 36 Marsh Market space
Watson John M. 75 s Calvert st
+Watson John, Park st N of Fayette
+Watten Ben, laborer, Lerew's alley
Wattles James, portrait painter, 6 1/2 Sharp st near
Market st. dw Saratoga st near Paca
Watts Richard, painter and glazier,101 Eutaw st
Watts J. painter, Bottle alley
Watts Dixon B proprietor of marine coffee house
and custom bouse officer, 44 s Gay st
Watts George, painter, Montgomery st w of Light
Watts Wm, coach and blacksmith, Potter st near
Douglass st
Watts capt. Frederick J. Ann st near Gough
Watts capt. Wm. J. 11 Fleet st
Watts H. O. SE cor Wiik and Bond sts
Watts John, laborer, Forest st opposite ne cor
Watts Thomas B. currier, (firm of Davenport &
Watts) dw 90 n High st
Watts Peter A. accountant, Granby st near Gough
+Watts Anna, seamstress, Potter st near Low
+Watts Nancy, Busy alley
Weatherly Littleton, carpent. Lee st w of Hanov.
Weaver mrs Sarah, tailoress, 115 s Howard st
Weaver Casper, painter, Long alley, near Ross st
Weaver John H. cabinet maker. 104 N Eutaw
Weaver Wm. carpenter, 114 H Eutaw st
Weaver Daniel, smith in general, 78 Harrison st