Thomas Edward, coach painter, Charles st near
+Thomas Betsy, Federal hill
+Thomas Ann, Charles st near Hill
+Thomas Dick, drayman, Cove st
+Thomas Henry, laborer, Cove st
+Thomas Jacob" gardener, Hookstown road
+Thomas Jacob, drayman, Forest st near Or-
leans St
+Thomas Mary, Ensor st
+Thomas Prissey, Forrest st
+Thomas mrs Jane, grocery and liquor store, cor
Low and Aisquith sts
+Thomas Pompey, laborer, Kimmell's alley
+Thomas Andrew, Pleasant st
+Thomas Robert, tanner, Hamilton st
+Thomas Thomas, laborer, Spring st near Gough
+Thomas Augustus, baker, cor Howard st and
Bottle alley
+Thomas Hazel, drayman, Cider alley
+Thomas Maria, washwoman, Strawberry alley
near Bond st
+Thomas Ketty, washwoman, Spring st near
+Thomas Perry, waiter, Bank st near Eden
+Thomas Wm. carpent. cor Barre & Howard sfs
+Thomas Garrison, brickmaker, Howard st
Thomas Clara, washer, cor Howard and Con-
way sts
+Thomas Charles, laborer, Canada alley
+Thomas John, laborer, Centre st s of Charles
+Thomas Cloe, cook, College alley
+Thomas Ellen, washer, Pleasant st
+Thomas Isaac, laborer, Hamilton st
Thompson Wm. shipwright, E end Wilk st
Thompson Rob. tavern keeper & grocer, cor Ann
& Lancaster sts
Thompson John, painter, Eden st near Gough
Thompson Thomas F. carpenter, 100 N Eutaw st
Thompson Samuel, tobacconist, Eager alley
Thompson George M. lumber merch. cor Centre
& Howard sts
Thompson mrs Elizabeth, 44 Park st
Thompson mrs Catherine, Pratt st near Eden
Thompson Samuel, cabinet maker, 13 Harrison st
Thompson Henry & Son, commission merchants
41 s Gay st
Thompson Thomas, carpenter, 12 N Eutaw st
Thompson John, ship carpenter, Argyle alley
near Fleet st
Thompson James, 27 Fleet st
Thompson Wm. laborer, Addison st near High
Thompson mrs Ann Maria, dry goods and mil-
linery store, 122 N High st
Thompson John, lumber inspector, s Eutaw near
Bank st
Thompson John I. letter carrier, Exeter st s of
Salisbury st
Thompson James, commission merchant, O'Don-
nell's wharf, dw Exeter st near Water
Thompson Charles, grocery and liquor store, cor
New Church and Sharp sts
Thompson mrs Ann, mantuamaker, Water st
Thompson D. & W. saddle, harness and trunk
maker, 26 South st
Thompson mrs A. C. Commerce st
Thompson H. A. 4 s Frederick st
Thompson Wm. innkeeper, 1 Bond st
Thompson Edward, wheelwright, dw 65 Bond st
shop Lancaster st near Happy alley
Thompson Jos. P. dw St. Paul's st s of Franklin
Thompson Alexander, shoemaker, 81 N Gay st
Thompson mrs Mary, grocery, NE cor Forest
and.Douglass sts
Thompson James, plasterer, 8 Forest st
Thompson Alexander, shoemaker, Gallows Hill
Thompson Elias, shoemaker, Ensor st
Thompson Harrison, weaver, Richmond st near
Thompson Thomas, carpenter, Richmond st near
Thompson George, lumber merchant, dw George
st near Pine
Thompson John, bricklayer, George st near Pearl
Thompson mrs Ann, 5 Pine st near Franklin
Thompson Edward, bricklayer, Franklin st near
Thompson Wm. wheelwright, Franklin near Eu-
taw st dw Franklin row
Thompson Thomas J. chair maker, Franklin row