+Stevenson E.French it new Exeter
+Stevenson Darid, boatman, Spring st s of Pratt
Stevenson John, Ruxton st
++ Stevenson Davy, Howard it n of Go n way
++ Stevenson John, Ruxton st
++ Stevenson Diana, Lee et E of Charles
Stevenson Elizabeth, Conway st near Charles
Stever Daniel & George, coach makers, NW cor
Hillen and Potter sts
Stever George G. merchant, E Pratt near Gough st
Stever Jacob, carpet weaver, Sarah Ann st
Stewart Joseph, rigger, Shakspeare st
Stewart Wm. L. trader, N Exeter near Pitt st
Stewart Lewis, waiter, Forest st near Douglass st
Stewart Mordecai, itinerant bookseller, Holland
st near the run
Stewart Joseph J. grocer, cor Forest and Gay sts
Stewart mrs L. fancy dress maker, 83 Harrison st
Stewart Wm. H, lumber merchant, w Pratt near
the bridge
Stewart Columbus, brass founder, Bottle alley
near Eutaw st
Stewart Frances, Inloes' alley
Stewart Charles, laborer, cor Bath and French sts
Stewart George & Co. lottery and exchange office
SE cor North and Fayette sts
Stewart col. Wm. High st near Pratt
Stewart mrs Rebecca,seamstress, Short alley near
Conway st
Stewart Doctor, Saratoga st w of St. Paul's
Stewart John M. office, SE cor of Fayette and St.
Paul's st
Stewart Robert St. John, stone cutler, Granby
st near Canal st
Stewart Edward, carpenter, Paca st 3d door from
Bottle alley
Stewart Wm. jun. carpenter, s Paca st near Pratt
Stewart John, bellhanger, Bottle alley
Stewart mrs Henrietta, tutoress, Park st N of Sa-
Stewart David, attorney at law, 20 Sc Pauls st
Stewart Wm, P. dry goods merch. 122 Baltim. st
dw Franklin st
Stewart John, undertaker, N Calvert st opposite
City spring
Stewart William, stone mason, 12 New church st
Stewart George H. attorney at law, 1 Athenaeum
near St. Paul's st
Stewart John, cor Camden and Charles sts
Stewart & Payne, dry goods merch. 163 Balt, st
Stewart Wm. P. firm of do. dw cor of St. Paul &
Franklin sts
Stewart Joseph , W grate manufactur. 64 Balt. st
Stewart mrs Eliza, cakeshop, Water st near Light
Stewart Joseph, merch. tailor, 23 w Fayette st.
Stewart mrs E. 12 German st
Stewart John A. bell hanger and brass founder,
26 s Liberty st
Stewart James & Co. dry goods merch. 101 Bal-
timore st
Stewart Charles, carter, Hill st B of Sharp st
Stewart mrs Ann, Armistead lane
Stewart Robert' S. stone cutter, Granby st near
Harford run
Stewart Wm. H. lumber merchant, sw cor. Con-
cord & Pratt sts. d w Pratt st near Har. run
Stewart Jas. butcher, Constitution st N of Beuren
Stewart John, carter, Biddle alley, near Penn av.
Stewart John, porter, Light st s of Hill
Stewart George, senr. country seat, w Baltimore
st near w boundary
Stewart mrs Mary Jane, mantua maker, Mulberry
st near Pine
Stewart Abraham C. grocery and feed store,
Columbia st near Paca
Stewart Eebenezer, huckster, Bottle alley exten.
Stewart William, deputy sheriff, cor Paca st and
Elbow lane
Stewart Thos. sawyer, Honey alley
++Stewatt Thomas, sawyer, cor Chatsworth st and
Chesnut alley
+Stewart Elizabeth, Sarah Ann st
+ Stewart Elijah, carter, Saratoga st extended
+Sewart Wm. carter, Hill st E of Sharp st
+Stewart William, carter, Gallows Hill
+Stewart Stephen laborer, Burgundy lane
+Stewart Jqhn carter, Hill at near Howard
+Stewart Joshua, hair dresser, dw Wagon alley
+Stewart Jonn H. hair dresser, underneath Ame-
rican hotel