Shirk Henry, N Howard st near Madison
++Shivers Amelia, washer, Howard st near Conway
Shock Samnel, cabinetmaker, 28 Water st
Shock Andrew, laborer, Sarah Ann st
Shock George, carpenter, Orleans st near the ran
Shockney Samuel, trader, 9 Comet st
Shoder John, Market st near Calvert, dw 26 Al-
bermarle st
Shoemaker George, brickmaker, s Eutaw st
Shoemaker mrw Rachel, Lee st s side E of Sharp
Shoemaker Morris, brushmaker, Sarah Ann st
+Shorter Mary, Pierce st near Cove
+Shorter Charles, ship carpenter, Spring st near
Hampstead .
Shortt John H. porter cellar, 74 Baltimore et. cor
Holiday, dw 5 Water st
Shotten John, butcher, E Pitt st near N Eden
Shotts Jacob, carpenter, Baltim. st w of Paca
Shotts Daniel, grocer, sw cor E Baltimore & Canal
Shotts mrs Susan, Salisbury st near Lloyd
Showacre John, coachmaker, cor Eutaw & Cam-
den sts. shop 57 s Howard st
Shreck Jacob, comb maker, Aisquith st N, of Or-
Shreck Geo. comb maker, Aisquith st N of Orleans
Shriver John S. Franklin st 3rd door w of Pearl
Shryack mrs Elizabeth, Baltimore st near Cove
Shryack John, pump maker, Pitt st near Friends'
meeting house
Shriver Dr. George, n Paca st
Shubrick capt. William B. 68 Camden st
Shuck Adam, hatter, Holiday st near the bridge
Shultz B. brewer, 10 Peace alley
Shultz Henry, carpenter Biddle alley
Shupe Henry, tailor, French st opposite Potter
Shutt mrs Sarah, cor Liberty &, Lexington sts
Sibart John, tailor, Hughes's st
Sibrant Henry P. shoemaker, Bond st near Gough
Sibrey mrs Ann, market woman, cor Long alley
and New st
Sicard Dr. A. cor Lexington tnd Liberty sts. dw
68 n Liberty st
Sicklin Wm. Sugar alley
Sidsnstricker mrs Elizabeth, tailoress, 44 N Front
Sidenstricker, Frederick, Pitt st near Aisquith
Sigler John L. Con way st near Howard
Sikell George, grocer & baker, Aisquith st near
Silane Joseph, Eutaw st near Mulberry
Silver Lewis, licen'd pawnbroker, 65 n Gay st
Silvester mrs Eliza, 10 s Exeter st
Silvester Thomas, shoemaker, Ann st near Alice
Simes mrs Jane R. teacher of music, E Fayette
st near Holiday
Simes miss M. J. miniature painter,E Fayette st
near Holiday
Simmering mrs Mary, 101 Camden st
Simmes Robert, carpenter, Pearl st near Ballim.
Simmes Joseph,copper, tin and sheet iron manu-
factory, Light st 3d door n of Lombard
Simon Charles, dry goods merch. 53 n Howard st
+Simon Jane, cook, 16 Peace alley
Simmonds mrs Susanna, J6 Hanover st
Simmonds John A. comm. merch. 270 w Market
st. dw 16 Hanover st
Simmonds mrs. boarding house, 16 Hanover st
Simmons mrs Ann, 67 Wolf st
Simmons Charles, seaman, Thames st near Bond
Simmons mrs. Mary, Fawn st w of Exeter
Simmons Andrew, machineist, 159 French st
Simmons mrs Mary R. 7 York avenue
Simmons Samuel F. 1 Amity st betw Saratoga
and Lexington sts
Simonson John, chairmaker, 53 Light st
Simpson Walter, custom house office, Gough st
near Harford run
Simpson Wm. coachmaker, n Calvert st opposite
City spring, dw North st near Pleasant
Simpson John K. German lane
Simpson John R. 8 Hanover st
Simpson John, rigger, Ann st near Fleet
Simpson William, hatter, Bond st near Fleet
Simpson Joseph, lapidary seal engraver. 106
Front st
Simpson Rezin B. country produce merchant,
Penn av. dw 33 Pearl st
Simpson John R. tailor, 129 N Exeter, shop 8
Hanover st
Simpson Edward, 139 N Exeter st