Petticord mrs C. milliner, York avenue
Petticord Saul, shoemaker, Cove near Franklin
Petticord John, hatter, 72 n Exeter st
Pettit Obediah, bookstore, 85 n Gay st
Pettit mrs Elizabeth, 12 New st
Pfahl C. P. A. musician, 102 n Front st
Pfahl Augustus &, Mohl, German hotel, cor Pratt
st and Falls av
Phelan Jesse C. 20 N Eutaw st
Phelps Gardner, shoemaker, Long alley
Phelps Doctor Elias. 71 w Lexington st
Phelps mr. weaver, Whitworth row betw Cove &
Rock sts
Philbert mrs Hannah, cor Water and Hollings-
worth sts
Phillips John R. seaman, E end Thames st s side
Phillips Thomas, rigger, 11 Lancaster st
Phillips mrs Mary A. boarding house, E Pratt st
opposite stamp carpet factory
Phillips capt. Isaac, cor Paca and Fayette sts
Phillips Wm. merchant, Dutch alley, w of How-
ard St
Phillips Wm. gilder, 29 New Church st
Phillips Richard, sign painter and ornamental
gilder on glass, 29 New Church st
Phillips Richard W. surgeon dentist, 53 Fayette st
Phillips Levin, laborer, Wolf st w side
Phillips Wm. M. seaman, Fell st near Thames
Phillips mrs Lydia, grocery, Fell st near Thames
Phillips capt. Wm. E Water st
Phillips Isaac, cartman. Chestnut alley
Phillips Isaac jr. Saratoga st E of Pine
Phillips capt...Inines, 43 Albemarle st
Phillips Wm. cabinetmaker. Pitt st near Har-
ford run
Phillips Thomas, bell hanger. 93 n Gay st
Phillips James, clerk, Mulberry st w of Green
Phillips John, brickmaker, Columbia st
Phillips Charlotte, wash woman, 76 French st
Phillips Perry, hackdriver, Bath st near North
Phillips Perry, hackman, Caroline st near Pratt
Phillips James,carter, Spring st near E. Baltimore
+Phillips Brista, laborer, Bank st near Eden
Phipps Ann, seamstress, 22 New st
Phoenix mrs Elizabeth, Lloyd st near E Water
Phoenix shot tower, NE cor Pitt and Front sts
Phosnix line stage office, for Washington and
Georgetown, 3 N Calvert st. 3 Light st and
Baltimore st—Beltz hoover & Co. proprie-
Phoenix Thomas, clerk, 80 Sharp st
Pickering Samuel, justice of peace and clerk in
courthouse. dw Gough st 2d door from Pratt
Pickett Levy, tailor. Bond st near Fleet
Pickett mrs Mary, tailoress, Biddle alley
Pierce Doctor John. sw cor Pratt & Howard sts
Pierce David, hatter, 56 N. Frederick st
Pierce S. A. hat factory, 10 Centre Market space
Pierce Emanuel, custom house boatman, Hol-
land st near run
Fierpoint M. Eager alley
Pike Henry & Ward, hardware merchants, 21 F
Calvert st. dw H. Pike, Courtland st betw.
Mulberry and Franklin sts
Pile Conrad, shoemaker, Sarah Ann st near Cove
Pillen Peter, oysterman, Orleans st near the run
Pindell Jane, widow, cor Bond w Bank sts
Pindell Thomas, wood merch. n Gray st near Mott
Pindell Lewis, cartman, n Gay st near Aisquith
Pindell A. wood merch. n Gay st near Mott
Pindell John, constable, Pinkney st near Market
Pindell Z. trunk maker, Spring st near Pratt
+ Pindell Mary, washer, Pierce st
Pindergrass Wm. market man, 68 French st
+Pines Sam, sawyer, Barre st w of Sharp
++Pines Charles, laborer, Hoffman st near Ross
+Pinlen Samuel. Biddle alley
Pinkney Charles, drayman. Chestnut alley
Pinkney mrs Ann, 3 Waterloo row, Calvert st
Pinkney Wm. 4 Waterloo row, Calvert st
Pinkney Charles, attorney at law, 92 N Liberty st
Pinkney Jonathan, x Charles st near Pleasant
Pipe Frederick, laborer, Greenwich st
Piper Doctor Wm. E. 2 w Lexington st
Piper James, 2 w Lexington st
Piquett T. grocer &. liquor store, E end of Cross St
Pitt Thomas, hatter, 10 Tripolet's alley
Pitt John C. grocer. NE cor Front & Baltimore sts
Pizarro J. A. professor of Spanish, 16 Hanover st
Placide Henry, cooper, 3 Buchanan's Wharf