O'Toole John, laborer, Charles st near York
Otto Frederick, baker, Bond st near Wilk
Oudesluys mrs Harriet, Lexington st E of Liberty
Oursler Edward, shoe store, Baltim st w of Paca
+Ovarre J. F. hair dresser, 62 Franklin st
Owens Thomas, Hill st E of Charles
Owens Thomas, 5 Amity st
Owens Sarah, boarding house, s end Hill st
Owens miss Rachel, dry goods, Market st F. P.
Owens Isaac, clerk, President st s of Stiles
Owens Caleb D. agent for trustees for the poor,
SE cor Front and Hillen sts
Owens James C. carpenter, Orleans st s of Ais-
Owens mrs Sarah, Sterling st
Owens capt Wm.agent of Governor Wolcott steam
boat co. & commission merch. Patterson's
wharf, dw 59 N Charles st
Owens Samuel C. livery stable, cor Pleasant &
Courtland sts
Owens Wm. farmers' and planters' agent,82 Du-
gan's wharf
+Owens Basil, cooper,' Saratoga st w of Cove
+Owens Richard, laborer, Montgomery st
+Owens Fanny, washwoman, N Eden st near
Owings Joshua W. proprietor of Globe inn, cor
Howard & Baltimore sts
+Oxford Joe, porter, Peace alley -
+Oysure John,butcher, E Water st near Har. run
PAAGETT JOSEPH, ship carpenter, Armis-
tead lane
Paca John, shoemaker, Low st near Aisquith
Paca James, morocco dresser, Hookstown road
+Pack Lemon, laborer, Guilford alley
+Pack Henry, laborer,Carpenter's alley
+Pack Larkin, sawyer, N Calvert st
Packwood James, fisherman, Bond st near Lan-
+Padler Rachel, York avenue
Page Daniel, ship joiner, Pratt st N side near the
++Page Cyrus, boot black, Caroline st near Pratt
+Page Thomas, coachman, Painter's court
+Page Abram, coachman, Short st
+Page Susanna, Honey alley
Paine Alien, manufacturer & importer of saddlery,
coach and harness furniture, cor of How-
ard & Fayette sts
Paine G. S. innkeeper, Madison st 3rd door from
Palassios Victorine, cigar manufactory, 5 Bond st
Palfrey mrs. fancy dress maker, 85 N Liberty st
Palmatary John, tailor, 64 N Frederick st
Palmatary Alien, tailor, Horse st
Palmer Thomas, carver and gilder, Fayetle St
near Calvert, store 108 1/2 Baltimore st
Palmer E. & T. E. comm. merch. 4 Bowly's wharf
dw E. Palmer 114 Hanover st
Palmer James W. sash maker & glazier, N Gay
near Exeter st
Palmer Wm tailor, Harford run near E Water st
+Palmer Wm. sawyer, s Howard st near Bottle al
+Palmer James, laborer, Pierce st
Pamillion James, painter and glazier, Sterling st
Pamphillion W. S. carpenter, Jefferson row Con-
way St
Pamphillion Thomas, cooper, Peace alley near
Eutaw st
Pamphillion mrs Susanna, seamstress, Peace al
near Eutaw st
+Pamelia Rebecca, Mechanic's court High st
Pancoast John, boarding house, Sharp st s of Pratt
Pannell Edward, 33 South st
Pannell mrs' Ann C. George st near Pearl
Pantroy Wm. Peace alley
Pare mrs Eliza, SE cor Eden and Bank sts
+Park Lloyd, laborer,Moore's lane near Eutaw st
Parker Lorenzo, oyster house,; cor Fleet & Car-
oline sts
Parker John, seaman, Fleet st near Caroline
Parker Geo. gardener, Richmond st near Tyson
Parker mrs Ann, washwoman, Caroline st near
Parker Clement, Caroline st near Bank
Parker & Miller, three tuns tayern, cor s Paca
& w Pratt sts
Parker capt Thomas, 120 Wolf st