Murphy Jesse, Ensor st
Murphy Hugh, carter, Monument st
Murphy James, grocery & liquor store, Tyson st
Murphy John, manufacturer, Preston st near Ross
Murphy John, druggist, 69 Bond st
Murphy Dr. Thom. L. 15 Caroline row Car-
oline St
Murphy John, seaman, Spring st near Gongh
Murphy Peter, laborer, Wilk st near Spring
Murphy mrs Christiana, dress maker, Mulberry
st near Lerew's alley
Murphy mrs. fancy dress maker, 63 N Liberty st
Murphy James, waiter, E Mulberry st near Calv
Murphy mrs Ann, dw Peace alley near Charles st
Murphy A. jeweller in Market space Arcade,
dw Concord st
Murphy capt. Thom. S. 1 Gough st
+Murphy Wm. laborer, Kimmell's alley
Murphy Nicholas, laborer, Kimmell's alley
Murray Matthew, carver, Pratt st near President
Murray James W. turner, rear of 53 Front st
Murray Francis, turner of iron, rear of 53 Front st
Murray Matthew, laborer circus tavern, Frontst
Murray Wm. A. boot & shoemaker, Water st
near Exeter
Murray Owen, tavern keeper, Beuren st near
Murray William, house carpenter, E Water st
nesr Exeter
Murray Wm. H. cashier, of Mechanics' Bank E
Baltimore st near Harford run
Murray John, grocer, Ross st opposite Paca
Murray Thomas, Franklin st
Murray A. B. commission merchant, 204 Balti-
more st dw Pascault row Lexington st E
of Pine
Murrav Margaret, Montgomery st near Federal
Murray James, millwright, York st E end
Murray James, painter, Argyle alley w end
Murray J. C. shoemaker, 26 w Lexington st
Hurray Wm. cabinetmaker, 98 Sharp st
Murray mrs Ann, 20 N Gay st
Murray Tho. porter and oyster cellar, cor Pratt
st & falls avenue
Murray Francis, city bailiff,cor Gay and Aisquith
Murray Thomas, hatter. 31 E Water st
+Murray Alexander, waiter, Salisbury st
+ Murray Mary, Hull's lane
+Murray George, laborer, Forest, st near Douglass
+Murray Samuel, brickmaker, Pierce st
+Murray Win. sawyer, Welcome alley
+Murray Win. laborer, Homespun alley
+Murray Samuel, stone sawyer, 15 New st
+Murray Jacob, hair dresser, North st s of Bath
+Murray Joe, fiddler, French alley
+Murray Nancy, washer, under cor Grant and
Water st
+Murray Jacob, hair dresser, 34 South st
+Murray R. Musician, East st near Gay
Muschett Walter, tob. merch dw Mulberry st. E
of Charles
Muschett Susanna, innkeeper, corner Market &
Thames sis
Musgrave Rev. George W. 3S n Eutaw st
Musgrave Andrew, cooper, Patterson st. dw Exe-
ter st near Wilk
Musgrave Wm. grocer, cor Pratt & President sts
Musser Henry R. sweep master, Harford avenue
Muth Philip, grocer and baker, cor Pratt and
Charles sts
Myer Tobias, pedler, 28 Ann st
Myer James, sea capt. lower end Ann st
Myer John, sea capt. lower end Ann st
Myer Geo. shoemaker, DE cor of E Baltimore st
& Spring alley
Myer Thom. Hanover st next door to Welcome al
Myer B. of the firm of Charles Fischer & Co.3
Howard st
+Myer Ruth, Lerevv's alley
+Myer David, laborer, Lerew's alley
+Myer Jeremiah, porter, Dutch alley
+Myer Priscilla, washer, Lombard st near Paca
Myerdirck John P. confectioner, 35 w Pratt st
Myers John, sea capt. n end Wolf st
Myers Jacob, dottier, 21 Bond st
Myers Nicholas, sea capt. 107 Bond st
Myers Jacob, tailor, cor Thames & Bond sts, dw
Shakspeare st
Myers George, brass founder, French st near
Myers George W, clerk, 27 N Exeter st