Moriarty miss Ann, cord and button factory, 11
w Lexington st
Marling George W. fashionable clothing store, 5
N Howard st
Morling Wm. saddler & harnessmaker, 25 Marsh
Market space
Morling John, tanner, Ensor st
+Morling Stephen, laborer, Short st
Mum in g A. tinner, Shakspeare st N side
Morrell K. Spring gardens, Baltimore st
Morrer John, trader, Market space near Pratt st
Morrin James, collector 22 N High st
Morris Doct. henry 15 Thames st
Morris mrs Biddy, boarding house, 112 Sharp st
Morris Thomas, (firm of Morris & Egenton)
French burr mill stone manufacturers, city
block, dw Pratt st E of the bridge
Morris rev. John G. Lexington st w of Liberty
Morris John B. 15 South st
Morris Wm. & J. office of thistle factory, 2 Lor-
man row, dw Wm. G. Morris, Saratoga st
1st door E of St. Paul's church
Morris John B. office, 21 Second st
Morns Thomas C. house carpenter, Fell st
Morris James A. ship joiner, E Thames st
Morris Jesse, hatter, 14 N Exeter st
Morris James, blacksmith, Falls st
Morris John, blacksmith, Hillen st near East
Morris Morris, shoemaker, Richmond st near
+Morris Eliza, Potter st near Low
Morrison Cornelius, baker, Bishop's alley near
Albemarle st
Morrison mrs Priscilla, East st N of Douglass
Morrison William, Baker, York avenue
Morrison James, chair maker, Ensor, st near Mott
Morrison mrs Sarah, Centre Phil pot st
Morrison Dav. teacher, Hampstead st near Spring
Morrison Joseph, carter, E Baltim. st near Eden
Morrison Wm. clerk, 3 s Front st near Market
Morrison Geo. clerk, 3 s Front st near Market
+Morrison Barbara, washer, Lexington St
+Morrison John, laborer, Short st
+Morrison Joe, sawyer, Sterling st
+Morrison Patience, Scott st
+Morrison Barbary, Pearl st near Saratoga
Morrow John, shoemaker, 26 Bond st
Morrow Robert, carpenter, 18 N Exeter st
Morrow George, weaver, Pierce st
Morrow John, weaver, Silver st near Franklin
Morrow mrs Ellen, boarding house,E Pratt st near
Morrow Wm. block and pumpmaker, E Pratt st
near Market
Morrow Andrew, seaman, E Pratt st near Market
Morrow John, carpenter, Lee st w of Hanover
Morse Thomas, saddle & harness maker,Swan st
Morsell Geo, laborer, Johnson st
Morsell John, shoemaker, Montgomery st w of
Mortimer John, ship joiner, Hampstead st near
Spring st
Mortimer John, store keeper at custom house
dw Holland st near the run
Mortimer & Mowbray, brush and bellows factory
22 Baltimore st
Mortimer John, brushmaker, 30 N Frederick st
Mortimer John, carpenter, 12 Commerce st
Mortimer James, cabinetmaker, 9 Fish Market
Morton mrs Jane, Ann st near Alice Anna
Morton Samuel, cotton manufacturer, N Eutaw st
Morton Geo C. commission merch. 40 s Gay st
dw Pleasant st w of Courtland
Mosher James, surveyor and inspector of the
of Baltimore, dw Fayette st E of St.
Mosho Christiana, cigar maker, 106 N Eutawl
Moss David, carpenter, Lancaster st near Am [ ]
+Moss Francis T. hair dresser, 23 Potter st
+Moss Mary, 23 Potter st
+ Moss Charles, laborer, Gough st
+Moss Mrs Cinthia, s Caroline near Gough st
+Moss Sally, washer, Gough st
Most Henry, confectioner, 50 Harrison st
Moszer John A. grocer and liquor store, w Cam-
den st near Eutaw
Mott Wm. city watchman, North st near Saratoga
Mott Rachel G. grocer, 113 N High st
Mott Joshua & Son, lime store, 49 N Gay st