Lawrence John F. painter, 46 Franklin st
Lawrence mrs T. nw cor Stiles & Gough sts
+Lawrence John, Painter's court
Lawson Stephen, consul of Sweden and Norway,
Buchanan's wharf, dw E Pratt st near s
Lawson John, engineer, Constitution st near Mon-
Lawson Robert, pork butcher, Hookstown road
Lawson Joseph, laborer, Franklin st extended
Lawson Edward, weaver, Whitsworth row near
Rock st
Lawson mrs Ann, cake shop, 9 Bond st
Lawson & Brice, commission mer. 2 Buchanan's
+Lawson Solomon, Wagon alley
Lawton mrs 12 Tripolet's alley
Lawtun Geo. L. clerk, w Pratt st E of Cove
Lawton William, shoemaker, Henrietta st near s
Layton mrs Sophia, seamstreas, Hul's lane
Lea Isaac C. merch. 75 Smith's wharf
Lea Samuel J. silversmith, George st near Pine
Leach Caleb, lottery office keeper, Fayette st w
of Pine
Leach Caleb L. lottery and exchange office, cor
w Market & Liberty sts
Leatherbury mrs Ann, seamstress, N Eden near
E Baltim. st
League George, currier, 45 s Calvert st
League Wm. grocer, NW cor Water & Lloyd sts
League Luke, shoemaker, Pratt si near Light at
League John, cordwainer, 25 Caroline st
League Luke, woodlhuxter, Gough st near Eden
League John, house carpenter, Charles st N of Su-
gar alley
Leake Adam, tailor, 50 Light st
Leakin Andrew T. clerk ia Franklin Bank, 10 s
High st
Leakin & Barnes, publishers of the Ballim. Chro-
nicle, N Gay st
Leakin Thom. I. printer, cor Baltim. & Sharp sts
Leakin Sheppard C. (firm of Leakin & Barnes)
printer, dw 14 High st
Leaman Columbus A. boot and shoe store, 12
Centre Marsh Market space
Lea man R. P. & W. J. hatters, 26 N Howard st
Learned Joseph D. attorney at law, 5 Athenaeum,
dw cor Mulberry st & College alley
Learned Charles J. attorney at law, 5 Athenaeum
Leary P. halter, 27 Thames st
Leath Robert, carpenter, Chamberlain alley
Leal her wood John, tavern keeper, Swan st
Leatherwood John, grocery & liquor store, s Eu-
taw, st s of Conway
++Lebark Maria, washer, 40 Park st
Lebau John, painter, cor Bond &, Fleet st
Lebon Charles, clothing store & capt. of w watch
163 N Howard st
Lebrue A. grocer, Thames st near Ann
LeBrun Mury, grocery, Bond near Bank st
Lebrantlwaite J. A. pawnbroker, cor of York &,
Eden sts
Leckey mrs milliner, 4 w Ballim. st
Lechler David E. shoemaker, Cross st w o f Wil
Lecompte James, boarding house, 51 s Charles st
Le Cour Adolph, cigar factory, 5 Pratt st near
the bridge
Leddon Benj. engineer, Montgomery st w of Light
Leddy Joint, grocery and liquor store,cor Liberty
& Saratoga sts
Ledly Daniel, brickmaker, Elbow lane
Ledly Jacob, carpenter, Centre lane
Ledly John, shoemaker, Carpenter alley
Ledly Jacob sen. carter, s Eutaw st s of Con way
Lednum Ezekiel, shoemaker, 9 Lancaster st
Lee Benedict, harness tinker, 51 E Baltimore st
Lee Isaac C. merchant, 22 s Charles st. dw cor of
Lexington & Pine sts
Lee Caleb, carpenter, cor Pearl & Lexington sts
Lee Charles, blacksmith. Baltim. st E of Green
Lee Lloyd, carter, 128 Sharp st
Lee Henry, clerk, Wilk st near High
Lee Josiah & Co. lottery and exchange office, se
cor Calvert & Baltimore sts. dw N Charles
near Saratoga st
Lee James H. shoe manufactory, 54 w Pratt st
Lee David, clerk, Dutch alley w of Park st