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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 252   View pdf image (33K)
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Tevern J. H. grocer, Fawn N side near S High
Tevis Daniel, cabinet maker, 16 Fayette W of Park
Thayer Laban, grocer and ship chandler, 67 Smith's whf,
dw E Pratt N side E of Exeter
Theobald Jacob, gardner and marketer, F Hill opposite
the observatory
Thevans mrs Mary, Pinkney S side E of Bond
Thirle Mark, labourer, 69 Harrison
Thomae H. book keeper in Commercial &. Farmer's Bank,
dw 19 S Liberty
Thomas John L. tobacconist N W corner Pine and Pierce
Thomas Gabriel, grocer, lower end of Dugan's wharf, dw
corner High and Fawn
Thomas D. 1. Paca W side W of the bend
Thomas Samuel, city watchman, Pearl E side S of Lex-
Thomas Isaac, cooper Tripolet's alley
Thomas Edward, painter, Charles st E side near Guilford's
Thomas John, accountant, Sharp W side S of Lexington
Thomas Joseph, turner, Park st E side N of Dutch alley
Thomas John, carpenter, St. Mary's st E of Penn ave
Thomas Ebenezer S. variety store, Lexington S side E of
Thomas John, watchman, Fayette S side E of Pine
+Thomas R. B. coach driver, 109 Camden E of Eutaw
Thomas Agnes, grocer, Apple alley S of Lancaster st
Thomas Roger, N W corner Bond and Alisanna
Thomas J. L. tavern keeper. 8 Bond
Thomas Joseph, merchant, Park W side N of Lexington
Thomas mrs Margaret, 63 N Gay
Thomas D. L. sugar refiner, NW corner Pratt and Com-
merce, dw Hillen N side E of N High
Thomas Lambert, cabinet maker, 128 N High
Thomas mrs Jane, N W corner Aisquith and Low extended
Thomas Sterling victualler, Holland N side E of Aisquith
Thomas mrs Catharine, Sleigh's lane S side E of Bond
Thomas Gabriel. guager, NE corner High and Fawn
Thomas E S. York ave W side S of Madison st
Thomas George & Thomas, hardware merchants, 196
Thomas P E. cashier of the Mechanic's Bank, dw 196
Thomas E. S variety store, 72 1/2 Baltimore
Thomas Robt, pilot, 14 Fleet
Thomas James H. grocer, SW corner Wilk st and Straw-
berry alley

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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 252   View pdf image (33K)
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