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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)
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1250 TAG TAY
TAGGART WILLIAM, weaver, near S E cor Saratoga
and Cove
Taggart Hugh, labourer, Lerew's al N of Saratoga
+ Tack Richd dyer and scourer, S Gay near Baltimore
Talbot Jesse, boarding house, Lombard, N side S of Li-
Talbot Murray, sails in Philadelphia line steam boats, dw
N side of Franklin E of Charles
Talbot Edwd. grocer, SE cor Sharp and New Church late
Vulcan al
Tall Anthony, proprietor of Liberty Cap tavern, SW cor
Bond and Gough
Tall mrs Mary, Block st near the bridge
Tall Wm. tailor, 41 Harrison
++Tally Jas waiter, Lerew's al N of Saratoga st
Taney R B. attorney at law, S Gay, W side near Baltimore
Tarr Edwin S cabinet and venitian blind maker, 6 Holiday,
dw Stiles E of S Exeter
Tarring Wm. painter, N Liberty, dw Green W side, near
Tate Francis, weaver, and grocer, Saratoga, N side W of
Tatem Danl. proprietor of watering place, near the glass
Taylor Wm W. president of Commercial and Farmers'
bank, dw SE corner of Lexington st and Monument
Taylor Saml, medico electrician, ship compass, and electri-
cal machine maker, 17 Camden, E of Charles
Taylor Francis baker, SW cor Park st and Dutch al
Taylor Saml, sawyer Sugar al N side E of Charles st
Taylor Peregrine, ship carpenter, Wilk near Washington
Taylor Robt A. dry goods merchant, 204 Baltimore
Taylor Levin, wheelwright, Baltimore, N side W of the
Taylor Robt A & Co wholesale grocers, 266 Baltimore
Taylor B &, Brown, hardware merchants, 164 1/2 Baltimore
Taylor & M'Neal, coopers and proprietors of scows, Pratt,
near Gay
Taylor mrs Margaret, Wilk E of Eden
Taylor Isaiah, ship carpenter, Fleet, N side W of Lancaster
Taylor Wm sea captain, Alisanna, S side W of Ann
Taylor Benj hardware merchant, N side of W Baltimore,
E of Asbury

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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)
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