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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 199   View pdf image (33K)
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NOR O'B 199
Norris Richard, hardware merchant, 216 Baltimore, dw
60 N Charles
Norris mrs Sarah H. Hanover, W side N of the market
Norris John, carpenter, 2 Franklin row, Franklin st
Norris Nelson, hardware merchant, 230 Baltimore, dw 94
Norris Wm. & Son, dry goods merchants, 201 Baltimore
Norris Edward, cordwainer, S end of S Eutaw
Norris Ephraim, labourer. Rock S of Saratoga
Norris Nicholas justice of the peace 33 S Calvert
Norris Benj constable, Park lane E of Pine st
Norris Lloyd, (firm of Tyson St Norris) flour merchants,
dw N W cor Barre Hanover
Norris mrs Martha, laundress, Harford Run W side near
Norris James, carpenter. Granby N side E of Exeter
Norris Ethelbert D. house carpenter, Mulberry S side W
of Pearl
+Norris Richd. waiter, Pine E side near Pierce
Norris Juno, huckster Upton W side near the missiona-
ry Church
++Norris Jacob, 67 Albemarle
North Edwd city watchman, NW corner Fleet and Wash-
Norwood. John, grocer, Fayette S side E of Pearl
Notherman George, shoe and hat store, 24 centre market
space dw 61 Exeter
Nott Jane, seamstress, 55 N Frederick
Nottingham Rebecca, shop keeper, corner W ilk st and
Strawberry al
Novile Christine, Beuren, E side near the jail
Nowland Albert, accountant, Sharp W side S of Lee
Nowland mrs Mary, Wolf N of Gough
Nugent Neal, tavern, boarding house, and livery sta-
bles keeper, 23 Water
Numsen Wm. baker, Harford ave N side
Nurse St Carroll, shoe, hats and bonnet commission ware-
house, over 216 Baltimore
Nurser Jesse, cordwainer, 39 Fayette E of Eutaw
Nurser Sebastian, cordwainer, 39 Fayette E of Eutaw
Nutty mrs Maria, Lloyd, E side
Nutt mrs Hannah, Saratoga, N side E of Shrader
Nye ——, sea captain, Gough W side N oi E Pratt
OAKLEY THOMAS B. brush and bellowi maker, vcr
9 Light st wharf
O'Brien Michael, boot and shoe factor, Smith al W side

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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 199   View pdf image (33K)
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