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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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M'C M'D 177
M'Cracken John, cabinetmaker, 8 N Charles
M'Crate James, weaver, Franklin st extended or Glenns-
M'Crea Charles, hack driver, SW corner Mulberry and
M'Creary Nelson R. carpenter, 8 Albemarle
McCreary mrs Letitia, Hanover W side N of Conway
M'Croddon J teacher, 56 N Exeter
++M'Cry Samuel, waiter, S Howard E side N of Camden
M'Cubbin Joshua, tailor, Exeter W side between Hillen
and French
M'Cubbin James, labourer, S Eutaw W side S of Barre
McCubbin mrs Ellen, Temple S of Pitt
M Cue Edward M. commission merchant, dw Carpenter's
alley W of Howard
M'Cue Edward, weaver, Pierce W of Pine
M'Culloch J. H. collector of the customs for the port of
Baltimore, dw Madison E side Nofold alms' house
M Culloch mrs Elizabeth, grocer, SW corner East and
M Culloch Robert, carpenter, 27 New Church st (former-
ly Vulcan alley)
McCulloch Dr. Jas. deputy collector of the customs, dw
Mulberry S side W of Charles
M'Culloch Duncan, grocery and liquor store, NE corner
Bank st and Strawsberry Alley
M'Cune John, carter, Bath S side E of Calvert
M'Curdy Denma, teacher, St Paul's E side N of Franklin
M'Curly Felix, grocery and feed store, Baltimore N side
W of Hammond's alley
M'Curly Isabella seamstress 13 Fleet
M'Cuscur Patrick, labourer, 11 Lancaster
M'Cutchan James tailor, Bond E side near Thames
M'Cutchan George, mariner, Montgomery N side W of
M'Daniel Hugh, mariner, Argyle alley, N of Lancaster st
M'Daniel Alexander K. boot and shoe maker and tavern
keeper, Mongomery near William
M'Dermot John, cooper, SW corner Philpot and Thames,
dw opposite
M'Dermot mrs Elizabeth, 21 S Frederick
M'Dermot mrs Jane, grocer, SW corner Wilk & Alisanna
M'Derritt Jolri, 23 N Frederick
M'Donald Wm. blacksmith, corner Water and Concord
M'Donald gen. Wm. E Pratt N side E of the bridge
M'Donald Alexander, proprietor of carts, Park near Rich-

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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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