Brown Timothy, root beer manufacturer, 26 Light st
Brown Gideon, tavern, n e corner Light and York sts
Brown Jane, washer, w side Light st s of Gittings
Brown George W. turner, Charles st Spring court
Brown Chas. constable, 90 s Sharp st
Brown N. V. grocer, Second st e of South
Brown Andrew, corner Charles and Pratt sts
Browne & Owen, dry goods merchants, 225i Baltimore st
Browne Ehsha N. of above firm, d\v 85 Sharp st
Browning James S. coachmaker, Centre st e of St Paul
Browning Wm. painter, Orleans st e of Canal
Browning Samuel, mathematical instrument maker, 57 Pratt st
Browning mrs Mary, Harford avenue n of Aisqiuth st
Browning Wm. S hardware merchant, Pratt st w of Paca, dw
Paca e of L Greene
Browning John H. justice of peace, 14 Market st
Brownnig Ritson, patentee of Refrigerator, Commerce st n of
Pratt, dw Exeter st n of Wilk
Browning Edw. firm Croxall & Browning, dw Light st s of West
Bruce John, stone cutter, Biddle st near Ross
Bruce Ann, boarding house, 55 foot Light st wharf
Bruce John M. coppersmith, Eden st s of Jefferson
Bruce Wm. labourer, York avenue n of Monument st
Bruce Wm. furniture carman, 53 n Exeter st
Bruce James, moulder, Montgomery st e of Charles
Bruce John W. blacksmith, Washington st s of Wilk
Bruckner Dl. shoemaker, Ross st betw Sarah Ann and Orchard
Bruehl George, shoemaker, corner Montgomery and Charles sts
Bruehl Justus, baker, 27 Bond st
Bruehl Jacob, saddle and harness maker, York av n of Madison st
Bruggmann Frederick, carpenter, Madison st e of Biddle
Bruler Wm. rigger, Wolfe st n of Fleet
Brummel Thomas, carpenter, allev s of Saratoga st w of Pine
Brummel James, Pennsylvania avenue opposite Hoffman st
Brun Madam F. ladies' fancy store, 8 Holliday st—see page 19
Brun F B dw 8 Holliday st
Brundige James & Son, com mts. 93 Bowly's wharf
Brundige James, Calvert st next house n of city spring
Brune F. W. & Son, merchants, 51 s Gay st
Brune F W. dw e side Calvert st n of city spring
Brune John C. of firm, dw cor St Paul and Mulberry sts
Brune F. W jr. attorney at law, St Paul st s of Saratoga
Bruner John L. tailor, Granby st opposite Gough
Brunner D. proprietor of Episcopal Book Depository, 1 n Charles
st. dw corner Camden and Paca sts
Brunner Andrew, tobacconist, Pearl st s of Lexington
Brunner mrs G. Harford avenue s of Madison st
Brunnert J. H. shoemaker, w side Charles st 2 s of Lombard
Brunning Harman, cabinet maker, Eutaw st s of Lee
Brunt Ralph, milkman, Penn av opposite Hoffman st