Brown, Garrett & Son, dry goods merchants, 97 Baltimore st. dw
22 n Frederick st
Brown mrs George I. 25 n Gay st
Brown H. H. barber, 16 Holliday st
Brown mrs Dr. corner Orange alley and Holliday st
Brown Alexander, Holliday si s of Orange alley
Brown George, Holliday st s of Orange alley
Brown Elias, firm B. Clark & E. Brown, dw Centre opp North
Brown Geo. Wm. attorney at law, St Paul st n of Mulberry
Brown Geo. W. attorney at law, St Paul st s of Saratoga
Brown J. H. commission merchant, w side Frederick st n of Pratt,
dw 11 St Paul st corner Bank lane
Brown Thomas, 17 McClellan st
Brown Jas. grocer, 106 n Howard et. dw cor Monument & Park
Brown Nathan cabinet maker, Cambridge st Canton
Brown Abner, carpenter, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Brown, Elizabeth, Charsworth st n of Franklin
Brown Samuel, carter, Richmond st w of Cathedral
Brown Stuart, corner Courtland and Mulberry sts
Brown Edward, labourer, Cathedral st extended
Brown Peter, shoemaker, Amity st n of Baltimore
Brown Benjamin, furniture carman, 4 Johnson's court between
Saratoga and Lexington sts e of Rock
Brown Lemuel, huckster, Pine st s of Saratoga
Brown Joshua, Pine st s of Mulberry
Brown mrs M. A. over 49 Baltimore st
Brown & Muncaster, dry goods merchants, 177 Baltimore st
Brown John N. of above firm, dw Eutaw st n of Cider alley
Brown E. M. of above firm, dw Mulberry st
Brown Wm. watchmaker, jeweller and optician, 222 Baltimore
st. dw Park s of Franklin
Brown Root, watchmaker and jeweller, 168 1/2 Baltimore st
Brown David U. hardware mt. 164 1/2 Baltimore st. dw 25 e Balt.
Brown John, grocer, Wilk st w of Caroline
Brown James R. carpet weaver, Granby st e of Exeter
Brown Alex. & Sons, mts and bankers, 128 Baltimore st
Brown Geo. of firm, dw Holliday st opposite Theatre
Brown H. H. Perry, of firm, dw High st
Brown mrs Alexander, Holliday st opposite Theatre
Brown mrs Mary, 25 e Baltimore st
Brown mrs Elizabeth, Mullikin st w of Strawberry alley
Br.wn Sylvester, butcher, Canton e of Harris's creek
Brown Elijah, sexton Meth. Ep. church, Pitt st e of Aisquith
Brown Wm. carter, Star alley n of Fleet st
Brown Wm. Aisquith st s of Hull's Line
Brown Wm. carpenter, Ann st s of Bank
Brown Joseph, tailor. Harford av s of Aisquith st
Brown John, tavern, 37 Bond st
Brown George, Harford av n of Monument st
Brown mrs Marv, Ten Foot alley e of Eden st