Meeting house, fm Eutaw to Long al s of Franklin St
Mill house, fm Front st to e falls av n of Lombard at
Morris, fm Bloom to w Biddle, betw Madison and Gibson
Morton, fm Madison to n b line w Charles
McHenry, fm Hollins to St Peter, w of Cove
Necessity, fm High to Potter n of Pitt
Norris, fm Presstman to Rutledge, w sub
O, fm Greene to Diamond st s of Lexington
Orange, fm North to Gay, n of Lexington
Orbe, fm n b line to Eager, w of Ensor
Parrish, fm Baker to Chatham, w sub
Patapsco, fm Henrietta to middle branch, e of Charles
Peace, fm Lunn's lane to Light st whf, betw Camden & Conway
Peach, fm middle branch to Montgomery, e of Sharp
Pinkney, fm Gwynn's falls to Cross st, term'g near Columbia
Plover, fm Centre to Richmond, e of Park
Plum, fm middle branch to Montgomery, betw Howard and Shar:
Port, fm n b line to n w b, e of Hospital w of Harris's creek
Primrose, fm Charles to Light
Proctor, fm n b line to Chase, e of York av
Rose, fm n b line to n w b, e of Hospital, w of Harm's creek
Run, fm Saratoga to Park lane, w of Pearl
Russell, fm Gwynn's falls to Cross, term'g near Columbia
Rutter, fm McMechin to Dolphin, w of Cathedral
St- Peter, fm Parkin to Sterrett, s of Columbia
Shields, fm Hollins mkt to Biddle st, betw Chatsworth &, Penn a
Short, fm Short to Canal, e of Aisquith
Slemmer, fm Granby to Wilk, betw President and Albemarle
Smith, fm Gay to Fredrick, s of Lombard
Somerset, fm John to Madison, e of Aisquith
Stable, fm Pratt to Lombard, w of Gay
Stansbury, fm Mott to Monument, betw Gay and Sterling
Strange, fm McClellan to Charles, n of Baltimore
Star, fm n b line to Fleet, betw Wolf and Washington
Sterrett, fm Sterrett to Scott
Stockton, fm Prestman to Eagle
Stoddart, fm Gold to Biddle, betw Republican and Carey
Strawberry, fm n b line to Dock, betw Bond and Caroline
Stump, fm Barre to Conway, w of Charles
Sugar, fm Hanover to n w b, betw Montgomery and Henriett
Thompson, fm Cove to Parkin, n of Lombard
Tripolett's fm Baltimore to Second, w of Gay
Tyson, f m Howard to Cathedral, n of Richmond
Union, fm Canal to Strawberry al, n of Pitt
Uhler, fm Hanover to Charles, n of Pratt
Vincent, fm Pressbury to Sullivan, w sub
Walnut, fm Preston to Preston, n of Biddle, w of Penn av
Wagon, fm Heward to Eulaw, betw Saratoga and Lexington
Welcome, fm Warner to Light st whf betw Barre and Lee
Wilmer, fm Chatsworth market to George, betw Penn av & W
Wiliamson, fm Hanover to Light, betw Henrietta and Hamburg
Wine, fm Light to Wine, s of Baltimore
Wolfe, fm Perry to Conway, w of Howard
Wood, fm Adams to George, betw Cove and Brum
Woodyear, fra north west to McDonough, w of Cove
Alley fm Pine to Chatsworth, betw Lexington and Saratoga