Russell, fm Canal to Eden, betw Orleans and Jefferson
Smith, fm Smith's to Buchanan's wharf, s of Pratt
Abey, fm Cross to Hamburg, betw Light and William
Ackworth: fm Adams to Gwynn's falls near w b line
Addison, fm n b line to Steuben, near s w limits
Algate's, fm Cathedral to Morton, n of Madison
Alien, fm Gough to Canal
Allison, fm Pratt to the basin, e of Smith's wharf
Amity, fm Baltimore to Wash road, near Wolf st
Apple, fm n b line to Shakspeare, betw Bond and Market
Arcade, w of Eutaw n of Lexington
Argyle, fm n b line to Lancaster, betw Market and Ann
Baker, fm n b line to Bloom, betw Penn av and Carey st
Barlow, fm Gwynn's falls to Cross, s w limits
Baxter, fm n b line to n w h, n of Harris's creek
Bedford, fm Camden to Peace al w of Charles
Bell, fm Davis to North, s of Centre
Bevan, fm Henrietta to Hamburg, w of Hanover
Biddle, fm Ross to Biddle n w of Biddle st
Blackberry, fm McDonough Ft to Gwynn's falls near w b line
Bland, fm Gwynn's fulls to Stockholm, near middle branch
Bouldin, fm Cumberland to Lanvale, betw Penn av and Division
Bower, f m n b line to n w b, near e b line
Bradford, fm Townsend to Hudson, e of Hospital
Breidebaugh, fin Saratoga to Falls av n of Gay
Brewer, fm Lanvale to vv Hoffman, betw Penn av and Division
Brice, fm Lorman to Hermiker, near w b line
Bruce, f m n b line to Warrington, e of w b line
Burgundy, fm Gwynn's falls to Lunn's lane, betw Paca and Con-
way, and w of Cove
Callender, I'm Baltimore to Columbia, betw Poppleton and Parkin
Caroline, fm Caroline to Spring sts, betw e Balt st and Bounty lane
Carpenter, fm Cove to Howard, betw Lombard and Pratt
Carter, fm n b line to e Hoffman, w of York av
Castle, fm n b line to Fleet, e of Washington
Cathedral, fm Charles to the Cathedral, s of Franklin
Cecil, fm mid branch to Montgomery, betw Howard and Eutaw
Cedar, fm Hoffman to Preston, betw Penn av and Division
Centre, fm Fayette st to Dutch al w of Howard st
Chappel, fm Mulberry to Pleasant, e of Park
Cherry, fm w Biddle to Eager st e of the falls
Chesapeake, fm n b line to n w b, e of Harris's creek
Chestnut, fm Cove to n b, com near termination Barre
Chestnut, fm Cove to Pearl, betw George and Franklin
China, fm n b to Lee, betw Eutaw and Warner
Christopher, fm Charles to Race
Claret, fm Cove to n b com at Cove betw Lee and Hamburg
Chrkson, fm West to n b, betw Hanover and Race
Clagett, fm Adams to Franklin, w of Chatsworth
College, fm Mulberry to Saratoga, e of Park
Comb, fm Lee to Hill sts w of Hanover
Cowpen, fm Liberty to Eutaw, n of Baltimore st
Creek, fm Hamburg to middle branch