Steamboat Maryland, lower end Dugan's wharf.
For Cheitertown and Centi«ville, Monday and Thursday^ 6 A. M.—Annapolis, Cam
bridge, &c. Tuesday and Friday, 7A.M.
Canal Transportation to Pittsburg.
Agents, Joseph E. Elder, lower end Commerce street—Giese & Sea, lower end Com-
merce street—F. F. Pope, 75 Bowly's wharf.
Baltimore and Pittsburg Reliance Portable Iron Boat Lines,
Via Columbia and Pennsylvania improvements, leave Baltimore, daily. For passage
apply at the office, 42 Fell street, to Abraham Cuyk.
F. Rodewald & Didier, 16 German street.
For Kingston A. Schumacher & Co. corner of S. Charles and Wine streets.
For Kingston, Jamaica,—W. Mason &. Co. 6 Spear's wharf.
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