Waters Samuel, caulker, Hill st w of Hanover
Waters George, huckster, L Hughes st e of Hanover
Waters James, labourer, L Montgomery st w of Hanover
Waters Levin, labourer, Hanover st s of L Hughes
Waters Mary L. laundress, Wilk st w of Bond
Waters Wm. barber, Light st 3d door s of Hughes's Quay
Watkins Lucretia, washer, al rear of Union st near Penn av
Watkins Lloyd, cooper, Conway st e of Cove
Watkins George, labourer, Davis st s of Bath
Watkins John, tanner, Lerew's al s of Richmond, rear
Watkins Isaac, shoemaker, s side Fails st e of Liberty al
Watkins Thos. porter, Mechanic's coun near High & Hillen sts
Watkins Jane, washer, German st e of Pine
Watson Jerry, labourer, Frederick road w of Toll gate
Watts Samuel, barber, Louisiana st betw Paca and Greene sts.
dw L Sharp st s of Saratoga
Watts Alexander, brickmaker, Hill st e of Sharp
Watts Nelson, sawyer, Sugar al e of Charles st
Watts John, cook, e side Apple al s of Fleet st
Wavel Wm. labourer, Painter's court w side s of Pitt
Webb Henry, Holliday st s of Bath
Webb Wm. L Sharp st s of Lexington
Webb Minta, Douglass st w of Aisquith
Webb Harrison, North st betw Franklin and Bath
Webster Charlotte, Fayette st betw Pine st and Run alley
Webster Joseph, labourer, Hill st w of Hanover
Webster Isaac, porter, Hamilton st w of St Paul
Webster Wm. labourer, alley rear of Union st near Penn, av
Webster Sophia, washer, Davis st s of Bath
Webster Daniel, drayman, East st n of Douglass
Weeks Jeremiah, Jew alley near Lexington st
Weeks Lydia, washer, L Pleasant st near Happy alley
Weeks Saml. Jasper st near Eutavv church
Weeks Elizabeth, washer, Perry st e of Eutaw
Wells Geo. hackman, s side Sterling st e of Mott
Wells Ann, washer, 119 Camden st
Wells Geo. labourer, Bounty lane e of Spring st
Wells Geo. drayman, Perry st e of Eutaw
Wells Perry, sailor, Wolfe alley s of Perry st
Wells Nelson, Charles st n of Sugar alley
West Francis, waiter, Hull lane e of Forest st
West Otway, barber, Hanover st opposite the Market
Westard Peter, coachman, Clay st e of Howard
Weston Wm. seaman, Forest st s of Douglass
Wheatley Levin, Potter st n of Douglass
Wheatley Lydia, laundress, Strawberry alley n of Gough st
Wheatley Jacob, e side Happy alley s of Alice Anna st
Wheeler A. waiter, Marion st w of Park
Wheeler Wm. weaver, Sarah Ann st e of Poppleton
Whipper Isaac, boot black, 15s Charles st. dw Tyson st
Whipper Jeremiah, barber, 15s Charles st