Smith Chas. drayman, Asbury lane near Baltimore st
Smith Jane, huckster, w side Apple alley n of Lombard st
Smith Richard, labourer, Bottle alley e of Cove st
Smith Ann, huckster, row s w of Cove st head of Paca
Smith Benj. huckster, alley betw Camden and Dover sts
Smith Peter M. waiter, Conway st w of Sharp
Smith John, carter, Eutaw st s of Camden
Smothers Jesse, labourer, Stump alley s of Conway st
Snethen Wm. labourer, Eutaw st n of Lee
Snethen Arthur, drayman, Eutaw st n of Lee
Snow Frances, washer, Perry st w of Howard
Snow Milly, washer, Perry st vv of Howard
Snowden Saml. cooper, Raborg st e of Poppleton
Snowden John, drayman, Jasper st s of Ross
Snowden Edward, Raborg st e of Poppleton
Snowden Ephraim, labourer, Boyd st w of Schroeder
Snowden Diana, washer, Saratoga st w of Eutaw
Snowden Richard, Sugar alley e of Charles st
Snowden Margaret, Chestnut alley e of Pine st
Snowden Priscilla, washer, Chestnut alley w of Pearl st
Snowden Jas. labourer, Tyson alley near Tyson st
Soden Wm. gardener, Johnson st opp West
Sollers Henry, labourer, Pierce st w of Pearl
Somerville Eliza, washer, Hull lane w of Aisquith st
Somerville Anthony, vv side Happy alley n of Lancaster st
Southwood Thos. tobacconist, Run alley s of Lexington st
Sorcep Anthony, labourer, Biddle alley near Ross st
Sordan Priscilla, washer, Inloes alley w of Park st
Spalding Richard, porter, Chestnut alley w of Pearl st
Spaniard Julia, confectioner, e side Bond st n of Fleet
Sparrow Jas. Sharp st betw Fayette and Baltimore
Sparrow Nancy, Sharp st s of Saratoga
Sparrow Wm. labourer, Potter st n of Douglass
Sparrow Chas. labourer, e side Eden st s of Baltimore
Spencer Joseph, Mechanics' court near High and Hillen sts
Spencer Kesiah, washer, Perry st e of Eutaw
Spicer John, seaman, w side Light st n of Cross
Sprigg John, whilewasher, Sharp st s of Lexington
Sprigg Eliza, Baltimore st w of Pearl
Sprigg Susanna, washer, Potter st n of Douglass
Spriggs Green bury, ostler, Saratoga st e of Schroeder
Spriggs Anthony, drayman, Peach alley w of Pearl st
Spriggs Thos. porter, Mechanics' court near High and Hillen sts
Spriggs Stephen, w side Happy alley n of Wilk st
Spriggs Jas. do do
Spriggs Richard, drayman. Strawberry alley s of Baltimore st
Stanley Geo. labourer, York st e of Sharp
Stanley Adam, labourer, alley w of William st n of West
Stanley Washington, w side Happy alley s of Alice Anna St
Stansbury Moses, sawyer, Run alley s of Lexington st
Stansbury Phoebe, huckster, Lewis st s of Short alley