(St.) street, (av.) avenue, (al.) alley, (cor.) corner, n. north. s. south. e.
east. w. west. (com. mts.) commission merchants, (dw.) dwelling, (man.)
There being no rule for spelling persons' names, and the various sellings which
Almost every name admits of, renders it impossible for us to spell every one's
same as he or she may: when readers therefore seek for any name, whether
their own or any one else's, and do not find it according lo their spelling, they
will have to use such other orthography as the name admits of, until found. All the
houses occupied in the city have been called at, and the occupant's name, business,
&c. enquired for, and every effort practicable, used to obtain correct information.
We cannot be accountable for incorrect information given by minors, servants, &c.
in cases of the absence of the heads of the house,
AARON Mrs. Jacob, clothing store, 9 Harrison st
Aaron Mrs. Dorothy, Armistead lane w of William st
Abel Caspar, stocking weaver, Mulberry st e of Cove
Abbes John, furrier and cap manufacturer, wholesale and retail,
102 Baltimore st
Abbett Thomas M. Hollins st w of Cove
Abbott Benj. cooper, President st. dw Exeter n of Wilk
Abbott Stephen F. boot & shoemaker, Lexington st w of Charles
Abbott Wm, tobacconist, snuff and segar maker, 82 Market si
Abbott Elizabeth B. Mulberry st 2 doors w of St Paul
Abbott George, cooper, Exeter st w side n of Fawn
Abbott Wm. corner Spring and Fleet sts
Abbott Edward, seaman, Lee st e of Hanover
Abbott H. & Co. proprietors Canton iron works, dw FJeet st e
of Washington
Abbott Edwin A. firm Jones & Abbott, dw Wiikst w of Exeter
Abel Joseph, tailor, Slemmer alley s of Stiles st
Abell Frederick, grocer, corner Holland and Canal sts
Abell A. S. & Co. publishers of the Daily and Weekly Sun, s e
corner Gay and Baltimore sts
Abell A. S. of above firm, dw Front st e side n of Pitt
Abell Christopher, butcher, Perm av near Hoffman st
Abell John S. Con way st w of L. Greene
Abendshoen Alois, grocer, corner Montgomery and Light sts
Abercrobie Wm. shoemaker, e side East st n of Douglass
Abercrombie mrs Mary F. Saratoga st 1 door e of St Paul
Abey Wm. grocer, William st s of Hamburg
Abey Christian, fisher, Lancaster st w of Bond
Abey Joseph, seaman, William et n of Cross
Abey Jacob, William st s of Cross