Height Wm. carter, cor Bond and Bank sts
Helmsley Wm. labourer, w side Potter st s of Douglass
Hemsley ———— Marion st w of Park
Hemsley Joshua, carter, Marion st e of Howard
Hemsley Levi, tobacconist, Marion st e of Howard
Henderson Harriet, washer, Perry st e of L Paca
Henry Francis, labourer, alley betw Mulberry and Franklin sts
Henry Samuel, drayman. Union st near Ross
Henry James, drayman. Union st near Ross
Henry Wm. labourer, Sugar alley w of Light st
Henson Ann, washer, Davis st s of Bath
Henson Charlotte, Jasper st near Ross
Henson Alice, washer, Forest st s of Orleans
Henson Joseph, drayman, East st n of Douglass
Henson Ellen, washer, e side Potter st n of Pitt
Henson John, carter, Perry st w of Howard
Herris Stephen, painter, alley or court betw Eden and Spring sts
Hicks Robert, sailor, Perry st e of Eutaw
Hicks Horace, coachman, St Paul st s of Centre
Hicks ———— Sarah Ann st e of Cove
Hicks Charlotte, Jasper st s of Ross
Hicks Jeremiah, labourer, alley running e from East st between
Douglass and Pitt
High James, carter, n side Low st w of Aisquith
Hiland Ebenezer, cake shop, under cor Charles and Lombard sts
Hill Edward, Welch alley near Lexington st
Hill Thomas, drayman, Lerew's alley n of Saratoga st
Hill James, labourer, Eden st s of Monument
Kill John, sawyer, Douglass st e of Forest
Hill Thomas, seaman, Forest st n of Madison
Hill Thos. carter, Eutaw st n of Barre
Hill Evan, labourer, Stump alley s of Conway st
Hill Ebon, labourer, w side Spring st n of Gough
Hilliard Thos. drayman, Ross st near Paca
Hillman Saml. labourer, w side Pratt st near rail road depot
Wilton Wm. hackmau, Balderston st e of Charles
Hiner Henry, victualler, Pitt st w of Caroline
Hiner Samuel, butcher, Pitt st w of Caroline
Hiner Jacob, labourer, Bond st s of Hampstead
Hinson Milly, washer, Clay st w of Park
Hinson James, drayman, vv side Strawberry alley s of Pratt st
Hinton Flora, washer, Harford avenue n of Aisquith st
Hinton Abraham, labourer, Sugar alley w of Light St
Hitchens James, stevadore, Wolfe st s of Fleet
Hitchings Henrv, caulker, Strawberry alley s of Bank st
Hith Elizabeth/washer, w side Potter st s of French
Hogan Rebecca, e side Potter st n of Pitt
Hogan Edward, labourer, w side Potter st s of Douglass
Hogans Eliza, Mulberry st e of Pine
Holland Richard, porter, Centre st w of Charles
Holland Solomon, seaman, Ten foot alley e of Eden st