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Green Benj. cook, Peach alley w of Pearl st
Green Wm. carter, near Presb. cemetry, Light st
Green Richard, labourer, Slemmer alley s of Pratt st
Green Fanny, washet, Union st near Ross
Green Chas. whitewashes w side Charles st n of Pratt
Green Ann, basement w side Charles st 4 doors n of Pratt
Green Joseph, porter, Lerew's alley s of Franklin st
Green Garrison, wood sawyer, Cider alley e of Eutaw st
Green Gracey Ann, washer, e side Canal st n of Pitt
Green Benj. labourer, Cider alley betw Howard and Eutaw sts
Green Betsy, washer, cor Sterling and Monument sts
Green John, sawyer, Forest st s of Douglass
Green Alien, Perry st w of Sharp
Green David, labourer, Barre st w of Sharp
Green Harriet, washer, Guilford alley w of Light st
Green John, stevadore, Montgomery st w of Light
Green Chas. white washer, Sugar alley w of Light
Green Rachel, Hanover st n of Montgomery
Green Dr. Wm. botanic physician, Granby st near e Falls av
Green Kitty, laundress, Lombard st w of Canal
Green James, caulker, e side Happy alley s of Bank st
Green Alien, porter, Girard's court in or near Perry st
Green John, mariner, e side Apple alley n of Lancaster st
Green Margaret, washer, w side Liberty st s of German
Greenage Eli, sawyer, Park st n of Lexington
Greener Belinda, seamstress, Camden st e of Eutaw
Greenman Henry, labourer, Moore's alley w of Eutaw st
Greennick Thos. shoemaker, w side Potter st s of Gay
Greenwood Samuel, labourer, Fayette st e of Pine
Greenwood Jacob, drayman, e side Exeter st s of French
Greenwood Richard, carter, L Hughes st e of Charles
Griffin Jacob, labourer, Hampstead st w of Caroline
Griffin Chas. Low st near Aisquith
Griffin Harriet, washer, Welcome alley w of Sharp st
Griffin Levin, labourer, Hill st e of Howard
Griffin Henry, Sugar alley w of Charles st
Griffin Wm. labourer, Sugar alley w of Light st
Griffin Geo. e side Happy alley s of Fleet st
Griffin Mary, w side Spring st near Wilk
Griffith John, whip sawyer, e side Happy alley s of Bank st
Grinnidge Wm. coffee roaster, Haw st w of Emory
Grissom Elijah, porter, Pierce st w of Pearl
Grooms Jane, Raborg st e of Poppleton
Grooms Nelson, butcher, Union alley e of Eden St
Grooms Nathaniel, barber, 80 n Howard st
Grooms Emery, Douglass st w of Forest
Gross Henry, Sharp st s of Saratoga
Gross Benj. cook, Patterson st near Pratt, dw Market st
Gross Gideon, labourer, Cross st e of Johnson
Gross Chas. waiter, Rock st n of Lexington
Gross Philip, waiter, e side State st n of Mulberry