Young Joshua A. ship carpenter, w Falls avenue, dw cor Wilk
and Exeter sts
Young John & Son, carpenters, Pratt e of Commerce
Young James L. of firm, dw Granby st e of High
Young Rebecca, upholsterer, Lombard st e of High
Young Walter S. manner, Wolfe st s of Fleet
Young Wm. J. mariner, w side Argyle alley s of Bank st
Young Rebecca, e side Argyle alley n of Lancaster st
Young Wm. jr. com. mt. 72 Bowly's wharf, dw 14 Albemarle st
Young Michael, labourer, s of Wilk st near President
Younger Richard, Lexington st e of Cove
Younger Daniel K. clerk, Fawn st w of President
Younger Jesper, wheelwright, Montgomery st e of Charles
Youngman John, wheelwright, Baltimore st e of Wandsbeck
Youngs John B. fur blower, Bazaar, Harrison st. dvv 140 Mon-
ument st w of Aisquith
Younker mrs Elizabeth, Caroline st n of Orleans
Younker Albert, chair maker, n side Gay st w of Aisquith
Youse Geo. carpenter, Neighbour st betw York and Harford av
Yowson John, labourer, Saratoga st e of Schroeder
ZACHAERIE Wm. pilot, Bond st s of Gough
Zachary Alex. pilot, Strawberry al n of Hampstead st
Zallnhofer Geo. carpet weaver, s side Gay st e of Front
Zane Peter, cooper, East st n of Pitt
Zeigler Conradt, butcher, Baltimore st e of Gilmer
Zeigelmaier L. shoemaker, e side Howard st n of Conway
Zell mrs Mary Ann, variety store, 6 and 7 Baltimore Arcade,
dw Pine st s of Mulberry
Zell John, police officer, 15 Mercer st. dw Howard n of Madison
Zell mrs Margaret, 278 n Howard st
Zell mrs Margaret, 290 n Howard st
Zell Peter, grocer, Howard st near Franklin, dw Franklin st
w of Paca
Zepp David, grocer, 112 n Howard st. dw Paca st near Ross
Zepp Henry, car driver, McHenry alley w of Poppleton st
Zerkel Peter, tavern, Thames st w of Bond
Zerwek Daniel, butcher, Montgomery st w of Charles
Zicker Martin, butcher, Carpenter's alley e of Penn st
Ziegenfelder C. T. cabinet maker, L Paca st n of Conway
Ziegenfelder Beltzhasser C. tavern, 12 Thames st
Ziegler Wm. boot and shoemaker, 279 n Howard st
Ziegler W. shoemaker, Hillen st 3 doors e of Front
Zigler John, confectioner, Saratoga st e of Poppleton
Zigler —— cabinetmaker, 51 1/2 Harrison st up stairs
Zigler mrs Elizabeth, upholsterer, 48 n Frederick st
Zigler John, victualler, 48 n Frederick st
Zigler John L. 88 Conway st
Zimmerman Geo. segar maker, Saratoga st w of Chatsworth
Zimmerman M. shoemaker, Greene sts of German
Zimmerman Jacob, Franklin st w of Park