Wright mrs Susan, e side Eutaw st 3 doors n of Saratoga
Wright mrs Ann, s side Low st e of Front
Wright Wm. s side Sterling st e of Mott
Wright Almon, stone cutter, cor Pratt and Penn sts. dw Pratt
w of Penn
Wright Chas. shoemaker, House's court, s oi'Conway w of Chas.
Wright Wm. ship carpenter, York st e of Charles
Wright Martha, w side Caroline st n of Bank
Wright Wm. engineer, York st e of Light
Wright Wm. C. e side Bond st s of Gough
Wrightson John B. ship carpenter, Washington st n of Fleet
Wroten David, shipwright, Bank st w of Argle alley
Wyant Nicholas, tavern, Pratt st w of Greene
Wyatt Wm. E. D. D. pastor St Paul's church, Saratoga st opp |
n end Liberty st
Wyeth & Norris, silk merchants, 173 1/4 Baltimore st
Wyeth Charles, of firm, dw Calvert st s of Pleasant
Wylie & Wilson, grocers and com mts. s side Exchange place
Wyman W. & S. commission merchants, 214 Baltimore st
Wyman Wm. S. of firm, dw Lombard st w of Paca
Wyman S. G. of firm, dw Pleasant st 2 doors e of Charles
Wyman John, North st adjoining Balt, and Susq. R. R. office
Wyman Edward, sexton of Universalist church. Bank lane near
Aisquith st
Wyman, Appleton & Co. dry goods mts. 9 and 11 Hanover st
Wyman mrs E. fashionable dress maker, and teacher of shell
work, 26 n Gay st
Wynn Christopher, clock and watchmaker, 52 w Pratt st
Wyroug John, shoemaker, Liberty st n of Cowpen alley
Wysham E. C. flour and provision mt. 285 Baltimore st. dw
Fayette w of Eutaw
Wysham John, shoemaker, Franklin st w of Cove
Wysham J. shoemaker, Cove st n of Pierce
Wy vill M. D. merchant tailor, 166 Baltimore st
Wyvill Edward, Conway st e of L Greene
YAGER Joseph, Park st n of Fayette
Yam Wm. pilot, Wilk st e of Ann
Yardley Chas. F. dry goods merchant, 7 s Charles st. dw Cam-
den e of Howard
Yater Henry, shoemaker, Orleans st e of Strawberry alley
Yates George, collector, Forest st n of Monument
Yearley Nathaniel, cooper, 38 n Gay st
Yearley Alex. property and commission agent, and collector,
St Paul st. dw 77 Greene
Yearley John, mariner, w side Bond st s of Gough
Yearley Wm. R. cooper, Bottle al e of Cove st.dw Pratt w of Penn
Yearly Ann, teacher, Gough st w of Bond
Yeates Dr. John L. 46 n Frederick st
Yeates Catharine, tailoress, e side Front st n of Pitt
Yeatman John, saddler, w side High st s of French