Wilson Ann, fish dealer, York avenue n of Madison st
Wilson R. Y. firm Wiley & Wilson, Exchange place, dw corner
Eutaw and Marion sts
Wilson Charles, 47 n Eutaw st
Wilson John J. plaisterer, w side Eutaw st n of Franklin
Wilson M. J. milliner, 40 n Eutaw st
Wilson James J. watchman, 46 n Eutaw st
Wilson James, baker, Jasper st near Lexington
Wilson Thomas, dry goods dealer, s side Gay st w of High
Wilson Robert, cooper, York st e of Light, dw York w of Light
Wilson Wm. Thomsen st w of Short
Wilson J. baker, East st n of Pitt
Wilson Thomas C. e side Potter st n of Gay
Wilson Charlotte, w side Potter st s of Gay
Wilson Joshua, carpenter, e side Potter st n of Douglass
Wilson Priscilla, seamstress, w side Exeter st n of Baltimore
Wilson Elizabeth, dress maker, s e cor High and French sts
Wilson James S. iron founder, Hollins st e of Poppleton
Wilson Samuel, painter, Hollins st e of Poppleton
Wilson Joseph G. moulder, cor Hollins and Schroeder sts
Wilson Solomon, seaman, cor Hollins and Schroeder sts
Wilson Rev. Norval, Greene st n of German
Wilson Henry, filer and turner, cor Hollins and Schroeder sts
Wilson ———— carpenter, Lombard st e of Schroeder
Wilson capt Francis, w side Caroline st s of Pratt
Wilson Robert, saddler, Pratt st w of Eutaw
Wilson Joseph S. tobacco inspector, Charles st s of Barre
Wilson J. G. & Brother, iron founders, Pratt st e of Paca
Wilson J. S. of firm, dw Hollins st w of Cove
Wilson Joseph G. of firm, dw Pratt st e of Paca
Wilson B. H. 86 s Sharp st
Wilson J. W. carpenter, 143 German st. dw 139 s Paca
Wilson Charles, cor Eutaw st and Cider alley
Wilson mrs Eleanor, Paca st w of L Greene
Wilt Jacob, whip maker, Frederick road e of the run
Wilt Jacob, carpenter, Dover st e of Eutaw
Wimmel Geo. S. bailiff Baltimore city court, dw s side Baltimore
st w of Spring [st
Wimpset (or Wimpsett) R. W. painter, Burgundy al e of Warner
Winans Ross, iron founder & locomotive engine builder, McHen-
ry alley e of Poppleton st. dw n side Fayette w of Pine
Winchelman Frederick, well digger, Conway st w of L Greene
Winchester O. F. stock manufacturer, 162 1/2 Baltimore st. dw 2
Lexington st w of Liberty
Winchester mrs Maria, St Paul st n of Mulberry
Winchester Samuel, lottery and exchange office, 94 Baltimore
st. dw 64 n Charles
Winchester Wm. of Water Co. dw 80 n Charles st
Winchester Alexander, exchange office, cor North and Balt, sts
Winchester S. C. clerk, Hanover st n of Montgomery