Williamson C. A. dry goods com. mt. 12s Charles st. dw 62 n
Williar Andrew, currier, Lexington st e of Paca, dw Pearl St
cor Peach alley
Williard Henry, Saratoga st w of Poppleton
Williard Daniel, shoemaker, Montgomery st e of Charles
Williek G. A. North st near Saratoga
Willig Geo. jr, music store, 137 Baltimore st. dw s side Lexing-
ton st 1 door e of Charles
Willigman Chas. w side Eutaw st n of Saratoga
Willing Mary, boarding house, e side Front st n of Pitt
Willis Salisbury, grocer, cor Pitt and Caroline sts
Willis Thos. carpenter, Fayette st. dw Eutaw near Madison
Willis John T. carpenter, Thomsen st opp Short
Willis Geo. fisher, Cross st w of Johnson
Willis Cornelius L. ship joiner, Pratt st vv of Market
Willis capt Henry, w side Ann st n of Fleet
Willis Martin A. sailmaker, w side Bond st n of Pratt
Wills Jacob, carter, Bank st e of Eden
Wills Thos. McHenry alley e of Poppleton st
Wills Thos. B. tinner, e Baltimore st w of Spring, dw Beuren
n of French
Wills Walton, hatter, cor Frederick st and Etna lane
Willson James, cor Tyson and Richmond sts
Willson Thos. tinner, Beuren st near Liberty alley
Willson mrs Ann, e side Ann st n of Lancaster
Wilmer James C. carpenter, Monument st w of Eden
Wilmer John W. com. mt. 7 Bowly's wharf, up stairs, dw Han-
over st n of Barre
Wilson Thomas, labourer, w side Canal st n of Wilk
Wilson Peregrine T. constable, e side Exeter st s of Granby
Wilson Samuel, grocer, cor Shakspeare and Market sts. dw cor
Lancaster and Market
Wilson John, tinner, cor Louisiana and Jasper sts
Wilson Ann, tavern, Wilk st w of Spring
Wilson ———— dw Lexington st betw Pine and Cove
Wilson Jane, seamstress, cor Alice Anna and Wolfe sts
Wilson Henry, tailor, 7 Lexington st e of Eutaw
Wilson & Marshall, shoe store, cor Pratt and President sts. dw
Pratt w of President
Wilson Mrs. dry goods store, cor Pratt and President sts
Wilson mrs Hannah, 22 w Saratoga st
Wilson Wm. dw Saratoga st e of Pine
Wilson James B, Saratoga st e of Howard
Wilson Wm. wood dealer, Canton e of Harris's creek
Wilson mrs Mary L. milliner and straw bonnet maker, 26 n Gay
Wilson Wm. & Sons, merchants, 105 Baltimore st
Wilson James, of firm, dw cor Holliday st and Orange alley
Wilson Thomas, of firm, dw Lexington st 3 doors w of St Paul
Wilson David S. of firm, dw Lexington st 1 door w of St Paul
Wilson & Lutz, sign, ornamental and house painters, 6 North st