Trout Robert, engineer, Giddings's row, e of Light st s of West
Trowbridge R n w cor Lexington and Greene sts
Troxatl Lewis, carpenter, Bath st w of North
Troxell Abraham, carpenter, Ross st near Orchard
Trumbo Henry, bricklayer, Eutaw st opp the shot tower
Trump Henry, carpenter, s side Lombard st 2 doors e of Eutaw
Trump Wm. B. s side Lombard st 2d door e of Eutaw
Trust Herman, baker, Hill st w of Light
Trust Jacob, variety store, 2 n Howard st. dw 22 n Eutaw
Trust Harman, baker, s w cor Baltimore and Schroeder sts
Truston Saml. huckster, Monument st e of Eden
Trustees for Poor of Balt. City and Co. office 23 n Frederick st.
W. L. Richardson, agent
Tucker R. & H. R. com mts. 38 s Gay st up stairs
Tucker W. A. dw Lexington st w of Charles
Tucker Robt. shoemaker, Saratoga st 3 doors w of Park
Tucker Silas, bacon dealer, 25 Harrison st
Tucker Eli, carpenter, Garden st near Madison
I Tucker T. T. lottery office and broker, cor Baltimore st and C.
mar. space, dw Lombard st 1 door e of Exeter
Tucker Silas, watchman at Union Bank, Canal st s of Monum't
Tucker Aaron, labourer, Dewberry alley near Baltimore st
Tucker Joseph, dry goods dealer, 20 Centre market space
Tucker mrs E. dress maker, e side South st 3d door from Balti-
more, up stairs
Tucker mrs Polly, Williams st R of Giddings's row
Tucker John B. tobacconist, Lancaster st w of Bond
Tucker Wm. cordwainer, Alice Anna st e of Ann
Tucker Geo W. druggist, cor Pratt and Eden sts
Tucker John, e side Light st s of West
Tucker Thomas, firm Tucker & Murray, bricklayers, dw s side
Baltimore st w of Spring
Tucker & Robinson, chair makers, Exchange place near South st
Tucker John H. dw Exeter st s of Fawn
Tuckey Elisha, painter and glazier, Caroline st s of Pratt
Tudor John, carpenter, Raborg st 1 door e of Pine
Tull John, blacksmith, Charles st n of Hamburg
Tulley mrs Margaret, seamstress, Mulberry st e of Cove
Tully Henry, seaman, Jefferson st e of Canal
Tumblinson Wm. ship carpenter, cor Hanover st & Welcome al
Tumblinson Wm. R. firm Ready, Ballard & Co. dw cor Hano-
ver st and Welcome alley
Tunis Thomas, blacksmith. Jefferson st e of Canal
Tunis Alexander, shoemaker, n side Gay st w of Mott
Funk George, labourer, w side Argyle alley s of Alice Anna st
Tuppish Edward, cedar cooper, Mott st s of Sterling
Turbot Chas. labourer, Camden st w of Light
Turell John & Co. tobacconists, 14 n Howard st
Turnbull Alex. & Co. com mts over 173 1/2 Baltimore st
Turnbull John, shoemaker, Fleet st w of Wolfe
Turner T. K. house and sign painter, rear of 11 e Fayette st