Stanshury Ann, tailoress, Saratoga st w of Liberty
Stansbury Daniel shoemaker, Monument st w of Eden
Stansbury Jesse, collector, Aisquith st extended
Stansbury Wm, Harford av near rope walk
Stansbury Nicholas, C Market space, dw w side Front st n of
the Church
Stansbury A. M. cooper, s side Front ?t n of French
Stansbury John S. distiller, w side Penn av n of Franklin st. dw
Penn av
Stansbury Emanuel, guager, n side Gay st w of Aisquith
Stansbury Abitha, Forest st n of Hillen
Stansbury D. carpenter, e side Right sts of French
Stansbury E. H. Eutaw st n of Conway
Stansbury Robert, labourer, Wayne st e of Eutaw
Stansbury Joseph B. druggist, 39 Thames st
Stansbury John E. livery stables and hack proprietor, cor Lan-
caster and Bond sts
Stansbury Hammond, carpenter, Bank st w of Wolfe
Stansbury R. bootmaker, s side Baltimore st 2d door e of Canal
Stansbury T. J. harbour master, w side Bond st s of Lancaster
Stansbury Abraham, tavern, e side Caroline st s of Lancaster
Stanton miss Ellen, Orleans st w of Lewis
Stapleford William, watchman, Lombard st w of Market
Stapleton Mrs. boarding house, over s w cor Sharp and Balt, sts
Stapleton J. K. & Son, brush, bellows and fishing tackle manuf.
258 Baltimore
Stapleton Joshua, carpenter, Lexington st near Liberty, dw Ais-
quith st s of Madison
Stapleton R. F:, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
Stark Martin, blacksmith, Saratoga st e of Rock
Stark & Wolf, carpenters, Balderston st e of Charles
Starkey John, gardener, Belle Air road
Starr George, carpenter, Aisquith sts of McElderry
Starr R. & Co. tobacconists, 27 s Calvert st
Starr Robert, firm ditto, dw 52 Pittt st
Starr Robert, clerk, Conway st e of L Greene
Starr Dr H. 29 n Liberty st
Starr John, cooper, Baltimore st w of Poppleton
Starr Nancy. Wagon al e of Eutaw st
Starr mrs Rebecca, 52 Pitt st
Starr & Ford, ml. tailors, 62 South st
Starr Edward G. dw do
Starr George, carter, Montgomery st e of Charles st
Starr Wesley, com, mt. 9 Light st wharf, dw Conway st e of
Starr Wm. tailor, w side Howard st 2d door s of Carpenter's
Starr mrs Martha, tailoress, Green st n of Paca
Start Benj. carpenter, Eden st n of Orleans
Startzman Abm. tanner, Eden st near Spring, dw Eden st n of
of Orleans
Startzman Isaac, currier, 56 s Calvert st