Spencer mrs Susan, Fayette st w of Pine
Spencer Thos. grocery & feed store, cor Bank st & Strawberry al
Spencer mrs Eleanor, dry goods store, Lexington st betw Eutaw
and Paca
Spencer Abel, findings store, 24 n Gay st
Spencer Mark, cooper, Howard st n of Franklin
Spencer Robert, Madison st e of Eutaw
Spencer Mrs. Charles st 4 doors n of Hamilton
Spencer mrs Susan, Poppleton st n of Raborg st
Spencer Thomas H. shoemaker, 9 Mulberry court, e of Rock st
and s of Saratoga
Spencer William, seaman, Lee st e of Charles
Spencer Hugh, carpenter, 113 s Howard st
Sperry Warden W. dry goods mt. 61 w Lexington st
Sperry Wm. clock maker, 13 Albemarle st
Sperry Peter E. Con way st e of Eutaw
Sperry Caroline, stock store, 13 Md Arcade, dw Albemarle st
Spicer Thomas, clerk District Md. office basement story Maso-
nic Hall, dw w side Eutaw st betw Saratoga & Mulb'y.
Spicer John, tailor, Franklin st e of Pearl, dw George st w of
Penn av
Spicer miss Elizabeth, tailoress, Peters's al n of George st
Spicer Hiram, grocer, cor Lombard and Amity sts
Spicer John, labourer, Biddle al near Ross st
Spicer Samuel, shoemaker, Monument st e of Spring
Spies J. Jacob, shoemaker, w side Paca st n of Lexington
Spies Charles L. prof, dancing, s e cor Baltimore & Charles sts,
dw cor Fayette and Pearl sts—see advertisement page 32
Spies John G. comb maker, Hill st w of Hanover
Spiknel John, s w cor Fish market and Concord st
Spilcker Charles Wm. city oil store, 106 Baltimore st
Spilker Chas. firm Hoffmeister & Co. dw Baltimore st opp Pearl
Spilrnan Jas. hardware mt. n side Gay st e of the bridge
Spilt John, blacksmith, Schroeder st s of Baltimore st
Spindler Wm. C. 13 Spring st Fountain row
Spires Mrs. w of Loney's Jane s of e Monument st extended
Sponsler John, transporter of oysters, 17 Franklin st
Sprague Geo. pilot, Pitt st w of Bond
Sprankling James, grocer, cor Pitt and Bond sts
Spreckelsen Geo. A. V. ship chandler and rope maker, Thames
st opp Caroline, dw Pratt st e of Exeter
Sprigg D. cashier of Merchants' Bank, dw 14 w Fayette st w
of Liberty
Sprigg Horace, found ry ma n, Leadenhall st
Spriggs David, cooper, n e cor Mercer and Grant sts
Spriggs James; drayman, Park st s of Clay
Springer David C. 'Stiles st e of High
Sprinkle Charles, chair maker, Caroline st n of Orleans
Sprole John, huckster, Monument st e of Spring
Sproston rnrs Jane, n side Fayette st w of Paca
Sprowl James, shoemaker, Baltimore st e of Lloyd
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