Ruckle Wm. cooper, Paca st near Franklin
Ruckle Paul, 76 s Sharp st
Ruckle Ruth, rear of s e cor Howard and Baltimore sts
Ruddach Rebecca, w side Sharp st 4 doors n of Conway
Rudlidge Louisa, \v side Spring st s of Gough
Rudolph Wm. tailor, 5 Jackson's court, betw Saratoga and Lex-
ington sts e of Rock
Ruff Andrew &. Son, hatters, 194 Baltimore st
Rufner Peter, watchmaker, Alice Anna st e of Market
Ruley Henry, police officer, Bank st w of Wolfe
Rummel John, plumber, Wolfe st near Wilk
Rumney mrs Jane, Conway st e of Warner
Rundell Wm. shoemaker, Aisquith sts of Thomsen
Rundle Joseph, butcher, w side Light st n of Sugar alley
Runds Died rich, e side Jew alley
Runge Theodore, firm Albers & Co. dw Courtland st
Runt Lewis, cabinet maker, Fleet st e of Caroline
Rupart (or Ruppert) Wm. cooper, Orleans st w of Caroline
Rupley Atmore, bar keeper, Madison st e of Howard
Rupp Jacob, carpenter, St Mary st w of Ross
Rupp George, painter, Pearl st s of George
Ruppert (or Rupart) Joseph, cooper, Conway st w of L Greerie
Ruppert Joseph, cooper, Conway st w of L Greene
Ruprecht Wm. Biddle st near Ross
Rusk Robt. victualler, Orleans st e of Caroline
Rusk Levi, bricklayer, Kollins st w of Poppleton
Rusk mrs Mary, cor Pitt and Bond sts
Rusk John, s side Baltimore si e of Eden
Rusk Wm. Pitt st e of Eden
Rusk Jefferson, butcher, cor Choptank and Baltimore sts
Rusk Thomas, butcher, cor Bond and Orleans sts
Rusk John, dry goods store, Market space, dw e side Bond st n
of Lombard
Rusk Saml, shoemaker, Forest si n of Ensor
Rusk John, butcher, York avenue n of Madison st
Ruskall John, farmer, L Paca st n of Conway
Russell John, carpenter, Lexington st e of Cove
Russell John, trader, Charles st opp Balderston
Russell Patrick, Holliday st s of Centre
Russell Joseph, tin ai d sheet iron ware man. 16 n Howard st. dw
Sharp st near Wesley chapel
Russell mrs R. Howard st n of Richmond market
Russell Henry, keeper of hotel, cor Howard and Mulberry sts
Russell James, braes and iron founder, cor Fell & Thames sts
dw s end Ann st—see advertisement page 9
Russell mrs Eugene, Union st near Penn avenue
Russell Archibald, weaver, Rock st s of Saratoga
Russell R. B. carpenter, Cove st s of Sarah Ann
Russell Michael, carpenter, Vine st. dw Pine s of Chestnut alley
Russell E. boot and shoemaker, Baltimore st w of Pine
Russell Benjamin, boot and shoemaker, Baltimore st w of Pine